Install JOOMLA on APACHE on a Windows Server environment. Favicons cannot be loaded due to a path issue in /libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php
Favicon.ico should be loaded and no error message should appear in APACHE error log.
Apache not being able to load the favicon.ico and producing a respective error message in the Apache error log:
[Tue Jul 29 09:44:51 2014] [error] client xxxThe given path was above the root path: Cannot map GET /C:/Webserver/httpdocs/xxxx/templates/jsn_metro_pro/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 to file
[Tue Jul 29 10:54:13 2014] [error] client xxxThe given path is misformatted or contained invalid characters: Cannot map GET /administrator/C:/Webserver/httpdocs/xxx/administrator/templates/isis/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 to file
When installing Joomla on Apache in a MS Windows environment, Favicon.ico cannot be loaded due to a bug in /libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php (code line 575 ff) when rendering the page.
// Try to find a favicon by checking the template and root folder
$path = $directory . '/';
$dirs = array($path, JPATH_BASE . '/');
foreach ($dirs as $dir)
$icon = $dir . 'favicon.ico';
if (file_exists($icon))
$path = str_replace(JPATH_BASE . '/', '', $dir);
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
$this->addFavicon(JUri::base(true) . '/' . $path . 'favicon.ico');
Adding the '/' in these statements results in an unsuccessful STR_REPLACE command.
The codeline
$path = str_replace(JPATH_BASE . '/', '', $dir);
actually removes JPATH_BASE plus / from the $dir variable, if the former exists in the latter. However, on windows systems (at least on mine), the $dir variable contains: C:\Webserver\httpdocs\xxx\administrator\ (please note the last backslash, that will be compared to a slash in the str_replace) - so this str_replace NEVER succeeds (this is why the C:/Webserver survives the str_replace).
Using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR here solves the issue.
I'm closing this issue as we were not able to reproduce it either with XAMPP, WAMPServer or UniformServer. The proposed fix instead actually breaks favicons.
It cna be reopened if there is additional information in how to reproduce it.
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2014-09-06 10:44:43 |
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Thanks @schultz-it-solutions as you have a solution can you send your fixes as PR against the staging branche?
If you don't know how please see here: