User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
When the calendar is being displayed with an RTL language the data in the calendar is correctly ordered RTL. However the names od the days is incorrect as this remains LTR
This PR adds a conditional check for RTL and reverses the string of days so that it is displayed correctly
Note that JS is not my thing and it looks like there is code for this already at line 140 but it is not working? Maybe a js expert can see why.
Pull Request for Issue #44818 .
Install an RTL language which uses the gregorian calendar OR edit administrator\language\en-GB\langmetadata.xml
and set rtl to 1
as this is a js change you will need to apply the pr and then npm run build:js
or use a prebuilt package
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No documentation changes for needed
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | JavaScript Repository NPM Change |
Prebuilt packages are not available for download, also not the custom update server:
Seems there is an issue with a full disk. Will notify some people.
Later created Pull Request have now available Prebuilt packages (this one still not).
I‘ve restarted the drone build, so new packages should be available soon.
Packages are available now.
Normally I would say this PR is a bug fix so it has to go into 5.2-dev ... but as it comes too late for 5.2.4 it would go into 5.2.5, which will be released just 2 weeks before 5.3.0 stable, so I think it doesn't really matter.
I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 0c4cb29
Install an RTL language which uses the gregorian calendar
@brianteeman I've tested with Urdu, which uses Gregorian calendar, and to see that nothing is broken I've tested also with Persian (Farsi), which uses the Jalali calendar. In both cases the day order changes with your PR. As I don't speak or read Farsi or Urdu I have to investigate if your PR is right. But maybe your testing instruction only forgot to mention Jalali calendar?
For Urdu (Pakistan) ur-PK, which uses the Gregorian calendar, the PR works as described, i.e. only the direction of weekday headings has changed:
For Farsi (Persian, Iran) fa-IR, which uses the Jalali calendar, the PR not only changes the direction but also the week start:
As I don't understand Farsi, I can't say right now which one is right.
Possibly the code added by this PR should not be added after but before line 654?
No, forget it.
I've found , but the day names or abbreviations in the calendar for today look completely different to me:
I've emailed the Persian translation coordinator. I did not get an answer yet, but right now it looks as if this PR fixes the issue also for Persian, i.e. the PR is right. At least that's the feedback I got up to now from discussion in Mattermost.
If that is confirmed, this PR will get a successful test from me.
I would still like a js person to review this especially because of
Note that JS is not my thing and it looks like there is code for this already at line 140 but it is not working? Maybe a js expert can see why.
Prebuilt packages are not available for download, also not the custom update server: