Unit/System Tests PR-4.4-dev Pending

User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:

avatar alikon
8 Jun 2024

Summary of Changes

add a simple test for the view /administrator/index.php?option=com_cache&view=cache

Testing Instructions

npm run cypress:run -- --spec tests/System/integration/administrator/components/com_cache/Default.cy.js

Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request


Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

a test for the view

Link to documentations

Please select:

  • Documentation link for docs.joomla.org:

  • No documentation changes for docs.joomla.org needed

  • Pull Request link for manual.joomla.org:

  • No documentation changes for manual.joomla.org needed

avatar alikon alikon - open - 8 Jun 2024
avatar alikon alikon - change - 8 Jun 2024
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 8 Jun 2024
Category JavaScript Unit Tests
avatar alikon alikon - change - 18 Jun 2024
Labels Added: Unit/System Tests PR-4.4-dev
avatar muhme
muhme - comment - 19 Jun 2024

✅ successfully tested this additional test spec on the branches dev-4.4, dev-5.1, dev-5.2 and dev-6.0, as single spec and within the full System Test ! before 4.4-only !

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