User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Allow user to use the published dates up and down or not in content component and content modules.
By default it is set to use both dates or force them to be used if not parameter is found.
No parameter is set in Archive content.
Pull Request for Issue # .
No issue
Add a content filter to allow user to enable/disable filter by published up and/or in the model for an articles list.
Go to the content component and modules and play with the new filter :
The name of the filter is : Filter Published Dates
The Articles lists are filter by publish up and down dates.
The Articles list can be filter as the user want.
List the new filter in the documentation
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration com_content Language & Strings Front End Modules |
Labels |
Language Change
Ok, I will copy it ;) Thank you.
No just edit the PR at the top of this page to change the branch to 4.1
Title |
Category | Administration com_content Language & Strings Front End Modules | ⇒ | Administration com_banners com_categories com_content com_installer com_media com_menus com_workflow Language & Strings Templates (admin) NPM Change Repository JavaScript Front End Layout Libraries |
I didn't know if it was possible and how to do it, thank you very much :)
FILE: /********/src/components/com_content/src/Model/ArticlesModel.php
48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
51 540 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 space after IF keyword; 0 found
52 | | (Joomla.ControlStructures.ControlSignature.SpaceAfterKeyword)
53 546 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 space after IF keyword; 0 found
54 | | (Joomla.ControlStructures.ControlSignature.SpaceAfterKeyword)
Labels |
NPM Resource Changed
Removed: ? |
Sorry I am confused how to to test this. What does the filter do?
The new field is designed to disable or enable in an articles list the filter by published up and/or down date when it is set for an article.
You can found it with the name : Filter Publishing Dates in any component template or modules that provides an articles list.
By default it is set to all (for both dates up and down) in the administration. Default is used by the component, not by the modules, I write it like others fields.
I understand where it is configured but where is it used and what does it do
It allow to display a list of articles with a publihed date up or down.
Imagine you have some articles with a publishing date up in 3 weeks and you want to display it today (don't ask me why but some users need it), you have to disable the filter by publishing up date to display them because the date is in the futur (I think down is useless but it should be here if something required it).
Read the field like this :
Filter by Publishing Start Date (only)
Filter by Publishind End Date (only)
No filter
Ok, I see, I have to precise you can find the field in the content menus or the content modules.
I can see the field but I can't see it doing anything
This PR is broken too - its reverting previous changes made in 4.1 !!!!!
I can copy it and close this one !?
Working for me like this for exemple :
Global options set to ALL
An article with publishing date up in February
A menu Blog with the filed set to NONE
The article must be display only in this menu
Wow that really makes no sense at all.
I know but some users need it and for me an external extension is not a solution for a simple filter.
A Model should have all the filters possible after, you use it or no ;)
The use case for this is so bizarre and understanding what the options do makes no sense at all.
Not my decision but I would not be in favour of this at all.
I completely understand your opinion, no worries about it :)
For me, it's making the application as complete as possible without worrying about user quirks. And these are the kind of little details that are easy to do natively. Otherwise you have to do a hack and maintain it or an extension to maintain for compatibility. I proposed the PR following a discussion with the community on Facebook Fr.
After that it's just my personal opinion without wanting to question the excellent work that is done, but I find that some simples filters are missing when I see the discussions. From the moment a column is proposed in a table (SQL and / or html), it should be able to be filtered in the Model and the View unless the law prohibits it. After that it is up to the user to know what he is doing.
Then I understand whoever has the final decision.
To come back to this PR, it doesn't change anything but the user has the choice and that for me is the main thing.
I prefer to participate directly in improving Joomla if it helps users than to make external extensions to complicate the business and seek to maintain them.
For me the main problem is that it is impossible for a user to work out what it does. I am still uncertain.
I'm not saying this PR is perfect.
Maybe with better options labels to understand the goal of the field and the documention will do the rest.
I regret a little that there are no longer the descriptions of the fields as in J3 or the tooltips on a computer even if I know that it is still possible.
I want to say, just to laugh a little, don't touch the options if you don't know what you are doing ^^
Yes maybe the use case for this has been lost in translation.
I thought this was going to be something like a filter where you chose the start and end date of the content that would be included. Or a filter that was based on the month (we already have that).
Finally as repeatedly stated there is no reason not to have descritpions where they had meaning and information
No, it's not a filter where you choose a date like range, It's just a simple field to enable/disable publishing date up and/or down filter.
Initially I had put two fields with yes/no for the two dates and then I gathered the two in a list. Maybe the first solution was easier to understand.
This pull request has automatically rebased to 4.2-dev.
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2022-06-27 21:30:13 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | HLeithner | |
Labels |
Ready to take over
I'm closing this because the original branch does not longer exists.
New feature so should be on the 4.1 branch