User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Pull Request for Issue #27569 point 3).
php cli/joomla.php webservices:reset
enabled for:
the others webservices plugin works as before (ie no public GET)
enable Allow Public GET
-- and make a GET {{base_path}}/api/index.php/v1/content/article without the Joomla API TOKEN (noAuth)
-- you'll get a 200 response
-- check that only public content is returned
enable Allow Public GET
-- and make a GET {{base_path}}/api/index.php/v1/content/article with the Joomla API TOKEN
-- you'll get a 200 response
-- check that all content is returned (punblishe/unpublished)
disable Allow Public GET
-- and make a GET {{base_path}}/api/index.php/v1/content/article without the Joomla API TOKEN (noAuth)
-- you'll get a 401 response
disable Allow Public GET
-- and make a GET {{base_path}}/api/index.php/v1/content/article with the Joomla API TOKEN
-- you'll get a 200 response
you can allow public GET
you can choose what verbs can be requested for each plugin
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration Language & Strings Libraries Front End Plugins |
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To me it looks good, and I like the approach. I'm not deep enough into API and security stuff to say if it's safe enough or not, but I can't see any issue with it right now.
API tests are failing ... I guess this is expected due to tests having to be adjusted to the changes in this PR?
Sorry I've made my point badly there. If you set the public param (at least back then) the endpoint couldn't be accessed. I don't think this should be enabled for any core endpoints. For example with this change you'd allow public get's of unpublished articles (I assume - haven't tested)
not sure i fully get you
with the public GET allowed you can simply use {{base_path}}/api/index.php/v1/content/article?filter[state]=1
I have tested this item
Working correctly. But not sure about security.
Thank you for the implementation
I have tested this item
not sure i fully get you
with the public GET allowed you can simply use
@alikon I think the question George had was if unpublished articles will be shown to public if not using such a filter. This should not be the case, i.e. public never should see unpublished stuff.
ok unpublished content are not shown when public GET
Title |
Category | Administration Language & Strings Libraries Front End Plugins | ⇒ | Administration com_plugins Language & Strings Libraries Front End Plugins |
Category | Administration Language & Strings Libraries Front End Plugins com_plugins | ⇒ | Administration com_modules com_plugins Language & Strings Libraries Front End Plugins |
Title |
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What does the rate limit mean - 60000 what. Is big good or bad? Does 0 mean no limit?
Does 0 mean no limit?
What does the rate limit mean - 60000 what. Is big good or bad?
just a big number for testing
OK I think rate limiting in core is excessive. This thing needs to be a plugin in itself and probably not part of core by default. We're supposed to provide a minimal implementation that can be extended I think.
The main thing I was looking for in the release blocker was the change to the ApiApplication (assuming that works on it's own)
These are an optional feature that is disabled by default.
allowing public GET require a bare minimum rate control imho
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2021-06-26 08:08:31 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | alikon | |
Labels |
@alikon PHPCS