? ? Pending

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avatar zero-24
21 Jul 2020

Summary of Changes

Set the threshold for rips to 0 and write out the rips cli options (https://kb.ripstech.com/doc/3.1/tooling/rips-cli)

Testing Instructions

Make sure rips via drone still works.

Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request

The threshold was set to 1 but should have been 0

Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

The rips threshold is set to 0 so any issue gets an failiure on drone.
This also writes out the parameters so it is easier to review

Documentation Changes Required


avatar zero-24 zero-24 - open - 21 Jul 2020
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 21 Jul 2020
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 21 Jul 2020
Category Unit Tests
avatar HLeithner HLeithner - change - 21 Jul 2020
Status Pending Fixed in Code Base
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2020-07-21 21:28:18
Closed_By HLeithner
Labels Added: ? ?
avatar HLeithner HLeithner - close - 21 Jul 2020
avatar HLeithner HLeithner - merge - 21 Jul 2020
avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 21 Jul 2020


avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 21 Jul 2020

Thanks. This has just been ported to
3.10-dev: 3e1a9ee && 4.0-dev: 521f97b

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