User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
The fix for issue described in #27111 by @infograf768
The Clear button is not acting as it correctly does in 3.x.
It should not only clear the existing association itself in the Reference but also reload the Target with empty item fields.
apply patch, run npm install
go to edit an existing language association, and push a clear btn
not works
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | JavaScript Repository NPM Change |
Labels |
NPM Resource Changed
hm, that also strange
need to look
@infograf768 I tried 8-10 times in row, to "copy to reference" and "clear", and it work without any blocking to me.
In theory it may happen if there a js error, can you please look in Browser dev console, is there any? (turn joomla to debug mode "on", so we will see a real line number for error)
I can't indeed totally replicate it. Debug console shows no error but look carefully at this capture:
The new target is first briefly loaded in reference before being replaced by the original reference with an iframe reload.
The difference with my test before is that it was remaining stuck as reference and is now replaced.
Shall we just hope that it will remain working this weird way or try to figure out what's really going on?
@infograf768 I see you have 3 languages, and I have only 2, maybe somehow related also,
I will try to check more
@infograf768 I have tried one more time.
Sorry I still cannot replicate it
Shall we just hope that it will remain working this weird way or try to figure out what's really going on?
I think, we can test the patch as is now,
And if it will be a bug for multiple users, then we may get more info about that weird bug.
I have tested this item
Agree. Thanks. Let’s get this in.
I have tested this item
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2019-12-08 09:09:18 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | infograf768 | |
Labels |
First I merged #27111 as it contains a patch for
(wrong name for the js file)Almost there. Clear works OK
Remains a problem when we use
Copy Reference to Target
after Clearing twice.The reference now displays the last target created and the Iframe is blocked.