User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Added data-title-value to force display the correct association for the Reference item in the Target assoc field.
Thanks @robbiejackson for the code.
Create a multilingual site from clean install, using the default multilingual proposed when installing joomla. 2 languages are enough.
Go to com_associations and select articles and en-GB.
I installed French.
Click the grey icon for FR when reference is Article (en-GB)
Note: this is a very old bug that kept unseen.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration com_associations JavaScript |
@infograf768 Made PR against your repo for minified (or compressed or uglified or however it is called) js.
I have tested this item
Uncompressed js works, but compressed js has comments not stripped off and so has syntax errors.
See comment here: #25704 (comment)
Fix is here: infograf768#51
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Thanks. I just did not paste the correct minified in my local .diff, but the uncompressed file itself, so it was only partly minified... I'm getting old.
can be tested again.
@infograf768 No, it was the heat, I am sure
I have tested this item
@franz-wohlkoenig Either cached version of minified js loaded, or patch not applied, or only partly applied.
The Screenshot is before Patch.
@franz-wohlkoenig Then it is correct. You see the empty English association at the right hand side? Will be correctly filled after patch is applied and changed js is loaded.
I have tested this item
I have tested this item
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
Status "Ready To Commit".
Note: I see other weird stuff:
@franz-wohlkoenig screen shot does not display the fields in the same order than mine. I found out that this depends on the order of the Content Languages in the Manager and not on the alpha order of the lang tags which is used in the usual Language field.
Not a big deal: we can live with that. :)
When installing a language, the Content Language created only contains part of the lang tag i.e. the country code, contrary to the default en-GB.
If I install de-AT it will be German(AT).
That should be corrected because we may have 2 different languages with the same country code and it would be hard to differentiate.
Looking into that now
@infograf768 2. Is not an issue for me. Spanish(ES) and Catalan(ES) would be easy to distinguish for me.
Harder is maybe German(AT) and German(DE) and so on, but that's the other way round.
On my site I have both country and language as complete word in my content language name, and text is in the particular language, like "Deutsch (Deutschland)", "English (United Kingdom)" or "Русский (Россия)", so people find it in their language in the link title of the language switcher, that's how I like it.
Concerning 2. It looks related to the install.xml from which the LanguageAdapter picks the Title
// Set the content language title as the language metadata name.
$contentLanguageTitle = $siteLanguageManifest['name'];
This means we have to instruct TTs to pay attention to that. or modify code
@infograf768 Yes and that's why it is weird, because different TT use different way, so the result is not consistent.
We should force TTs to use the "Deutsch (Deutschland)", "English (United Kingdom)" or "Русский (Россия)" way for the content language names (or titles) and another standardized way for the site or admin language names shown in the backend.
Yep. Will share this in TT Coordination.
Admin and site languages should always be like "de-DE", "en-GB" and so on so you can switch backend language and still understand it. For content language see above.
We should force TTs to use the "Deutsch (Deutschland)", "English (United Kingdom)" or "Русский (Россия)"
Will share this in TT Coordination. I think though that the real tag is enough because of the size of the fields. Admin will have to modify as they like and as you did.
So, we would have for metadata French (fr-FR)
for example.
I can live with that as long as it is consistent at the end ;-)
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Please merge.
Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2019-07-31 10:00:21 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | HLeithner |
@infograf768 It seems the minimized js is wrong: When I have Joomla debug on so unminified file is loaded, then all is ok, but when I switch debug off so the minified file is loaded, I get following JS error in the browser console: