Create some contacts with ad associated tag.
Create a menu-item of Tagged elements (blog) type.
If you want the blog-view to be able to show some additional contact info (i.e. telephone number) you have to modify the model, either deriving the class model or via a model-override, using MVC plugin, to join the additional fields you need.
Let's use the MVC plugin; copy components/com_tags/models/tag.php file in /code dir and add these lines @ row 157 to join the telephone-number field:
$typesarray = $tagsHelper::getTypes('assocList', $typesr, false);
foreach ($typesarray as $type) {
if ('' == $type['type_alias']) {
$query->join('LEFT', $this->_db->quoteName('#__contact_details', 'cd') . ' ON (' . $this->_db->quoteName('c.core_title') . ' = ' . $this->_db->quoteName('') . ')');
$query->select(' AS cd_name, cd.telephone AS cd_telephone, ');
Extend the view to show the telephone number
The matching contacts should be shown with telephone number info
Nothing is shown and the query will fail with error: Column 'name' in group statement is ambiguous.
Joomla 3.7.4 PHP any version from 5.3.10 onwards including PHP 7.
BAD PRACTRICE is in /libraries/cms/helper/tags.php line 622.
Group clause for SQL select statement should qualify field names with table aliases or use the renamed field-name.
Error is solved by adding table alias 'ua' to field 'name' i.e. '' or by using the renamed fild-name 'author' in libraries/cms/helper/tags.php @ row 637
Labels |
BAD PRACTRICE is in /libraries/cms/helper/tags.php line 622.
Please double check that line as this contains nothing in 3.7.4:
Here is the PR for the proposed change:
Category | ⇒ | com_contact |
Closed_By | franz-wohlkoenig | ⇒ | joomla-cms-bot |
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-07-31 15:40:37 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | franz-wohlkoenig |
Set to "closed" on behalf of @franz-wohlkoenig by The JTracker Application at
closed as having PR #17364
Yes, at the moment the problem won't arise in standard joomla installation.
It arises only in a slightly extended Joomla scenario, in a just non-trivial Joomla application (when a class is derived or the tags model is overriden via MVC plugin to show some additional contacts field).
Anyway it seems that is NOT A GOOD PRACTICE to have a SELECT correctly renaming a field (as in libraries/cms/helper/tags.php @ row 599: " END AS author") and later on using the non-renamed and not-table-qualified column 'name'.
For a better practice the group clause in libraries/cms/helper/tags.php @ row 637 should use the field "author" not "name"; it should read:
->group('m.type_alias, m.content_item_id, m.core_content_id, core_modified_time, core_created_time, core_created_by_alias, author, author_email');
At the moment, if you override the model as described above, inserting a join such as the proposed one, you have to fix the query error via a text substitution, immediately after the above join:
$query->setQuery(str_replace(' name, ', ' author, ', $query));
I think this should be 'fixed'