So good ol' @wilsonge just submitted a pull request on the CMS repo and added a label to the item before submitting it. Somehow, with all the processing, this results in two events being sent and a duplicate index key getting hit in the database:
[2015-07-19 18:20:22] JTracker.ERROR: Error adding GitHub pull request joomla/joomla-cms #7477 to the tracker: Duplicate entry '7477-1' for key 'issue_project_index' -- SQL -- INSERT INTO `#__issues` (`issue_number`,`project_id`,`title`,`description`,`description_raw`,`status`,`opened_date`,`opened_by`,`modified_date`,`modified_by`,`has_code`,`build`) VALUES ('7477','1','Use the mock application in the OAuth tests','<p>Mocks the application object in a few OAuth classes and additionally mocks the input object in the twitter tests</p>','Mocks the application object in a few OAuth classes and additionally mocks the input object in the twitter tests','1','2015-07-19 23:20:20','wilsonge','2015-07-19 23:20:20','wilsonge','1','staging') [] []
[2015-07-19 18:20:23] JTracker.INFO: Added 1 labels to joomla/joomla-cms #7477 [] []
[2015-07-19 18:20:24] JTracker.INFO: Added GitHub pull request joomla/joomla-cms #7477 (Database ID #8506) to the tracker. [] []
[2015-07-19 18:20:24] JTracker.INFO: GitHub item joomla/joomla-cms #7477 already has the PR-staging label. [] []
[2015-07-19 18:20:25] JTracker.INFO: Updated GitHub pull request joomla/joomla-cms #7477 (Database ID #8506) to the tracker. [] []
Actionable items from this:
Labels |
Glad to be resident bug finder expert :D