avatar mbabker
12 Mar 2020

The webhooks are now including a "node_id" field. Based on my minimal experience with the GraphQL API, it looks like these correspond to the identifiers used in that platform.

In order to properly use the GraphQL API and move away from being 100% REST consumers (which will have its benefits), we're going to need to store these node IDs for everything that comes from GitHub (users, issues, comments, labels, commits, etc.).

avatar mbabker mbabker - open - 12 Mar 2020
avatar astanf322
astanf322 - comment - 12 Sep 2021

check this

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/jtracker/1083.

avatar astanf322
astanf322 - comment - 12 Sep 2021

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