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avatar aDaneInSpain
20 Apr 2016

Loading the language filter plug-in specifically (before any other plug-in) also loads the menu items which prevents hooking into the menu's using onAfterInitialize with a system plug-in even when it is prioritized (sorted) higher than the languagefilter plugin.

This prevents creating a system plug-in that for example intercepts database calls to Joomla menu items (Needed for translation extensions).

There are 3 possible solutions to this as I see it:

  • Fix this file so it loads all system plugins in the order they are supposed to
  • Come up with a solution that does not need loading the languagefilter plugin here
  • Change the importPlugin() method to allow calling it without caching it (or similar) so what when all system plugins are called later in execution they will be loaded in the correct order.

This pull request is mainly aimed at starting a discussion for the correct approach. If the supplied patch will work, then great. We have a solution. But I am not 100% sure that loading all system plugins this early in execution is the correct approach.

avatar aDaneInSpain aDaneInSpain - open - 20 Apr 2016
avatar aDaneInSpain aDaneInSpain - change - 20 Apr 2016
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 20 Apr 2016
Labels Added: ?
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 20 Apr 2016
Category Libraries Multilanguage Plugins
avatar aDaneInSpain
aDaneInSpain - comment - 22 Apr 2016

@mbabker Do you know why the languagefilter plugin is loaded this early and if it would be OK to load all system plugins instead?

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 22 Apr 2016

I remember something about this but cant find the reference - I am sure that @infograf768 will know

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 22 Apr 2016

Alzheimer here, but for sure we had issues in the past when some other system plugins were loaded first. I remember we were always advising to move the langfilter plugin on top in the manager until this patch was done.

The change was done in Feb 2011 for 1.7.3 with this comment:

# [#24750] If a system plugin tries to load its language file, Joomla! falls back to setting the default site language to English.

See: http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=24750&start=0

avatar aDaneInSpain
aDaneInSpain - comment - 22 Apr 2016

OK, so now we know why the languagefilter plugin is loaded early. But could we load all the plugins at the same time. The problem is that the languagefilter plugin loads the menu's and then plugins that want to intercept the menu database calls can not do so as they are cached by the lanuguage filter plugin. Another solution could be to force the languagefilter plugin to not cache the database call to the menu's.

@mbabker what solution do you propose?

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 22 Apr 2016

Architecturally hardcoded references to a single plugin is a major code smell and indicates a lot of logic needs to be rethought.

The problem is that the languagefilter plugin loads the menu's and then plugins that want to intercept the menu database calls can not do so as they are cached by the lanuguage filter plugin.

Please explain this one further. The plugin's constructor doesn't have any interactions with the menu system nor does anything in the chain of JPluginHelper::importPlugin(). The onAfterInitialise event is probably what you're having conflicts with because it makes an explicit call to $app->getRouter() and instantiating a JRouterSite object causes a JMenu object to be loaded which does cause the menu system to get pulled in. So for your issue specifically you're getting back into that issue that was "patched" regarding the load order of system plugins.

avatar aDaneInSpain
aDaneInSpain - comment - 22 Apr 2016

Thank you so much for chiming in @mbabker your insight is greatly appreciated.

Yes you are correct. Our issue is with Neno the translation extension we develop. We supply our own database system plugin that intercepts all database calls and re-routes them into the correct table for the current language but we are unable to do this for menu's as they are called BEFORE our plugin, even when sorted highest.

We are happy to develop the patch for Joomla to solve this issue. But I am unsure what would be the correct method. The patch I have attached to this pull request WOULD solve our issue, but I am not sure if it would cause any new ones?

If you could guide us in the right direction I would be very pleased.

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 22 Apr 2016

I don't know the patch's side effects. I don't touch the multilingual features of Joomla. If the line in question though forces the languagefilter plugin to always have first priority, regardless of the ordering set in the plugin manager, that to me smells like a bug too (the ordering should always be respected even if you manually import every plugin in a group versus import the entire group).

As is, the application has a hardcoded dependency to the plugin's constructor. Specifically, what you really need is these lines moved into the application class and I'd say wrapped in a JPluginHelper::isEnabled() check. The first one is easy as it's just a boolean, but the second needs the plugin parameters, so it's actually introducing more hardcoding to the plugin if you move those lines to the application class but it should in theory remove the need to import the system plugins in full at this point. When something calls JPluginHelper::import() is when I think the ordering issue comes into play, and that only happens during JPluginHelper::importPlugin(). So this logically should work:

if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'languagefilter') {

    // Get the plugin's params

    $this->setDetectBrowser($pluginParams->get('detect_browser', '1') == '1')
avatar mbabker mbabker - reference | d939290 - 8 May 16
avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 8 May 2016

See #10344 for alternate solution.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 16 Jul 2016

Closing this PR as we have a merged solution, see #10344

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 16 Jul 2016
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2016-07-16 06:07:17
Closed_By roland-d
avatar roland-d roland-d - close - 16 Jul 2016

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