Pull Request for Issue #9653
This PR implements the default selector advancedSelect for mod_languages module and smartsearch (module and component view).
This will avoid displaying as chosen every Select on a page not using chosen.
Testing Instructions
Install a simple multilang site.
Display a Language switcher for each language: one using dropdown, the other using flags.
Create a Smartsearch module. Set the parameters to Show "Advanced Search".
First unpublish it.
Modify ROOT/components/com_content/views/form/tmpl/edit.php, i.e. comment
//JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');
Login frontend as Super Admin and edit an article in the language for which the switcher is set to dropdown.
The Select boxes in the Publishing tab are not using Chosen. The dropdown for mod_languages is.
Publish the SmartSearch Module, switch the language to the one using flags in the Switcher.
Edit again an article.
The smart Advanced Search dropdowns use chosen while the article Select Boxes don't.
Review is fine, and it's good practice to do like this and not using "select" as the operator.