? Pending
Pull Request for # 9391

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avatar zero-24
13 Mar 2016

Pull Request for Issue #9391 .

Summary of Changes

Removes the duplicate entries for memcache

Testing Instructions

Install 3.5RC
enable memcache setting
see you have duplicate settings for memcache
apply this patch
see the dublicate options are gone.

@gaelicwinter please test.

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - open - 13 Mar 2016
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 13 Mar 2016
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 13 Mar 2016
Labels Added: ?
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 13 Mar 2016
Rel_Number 0 9391
Relation Type Pull Request for
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 13 Mar 2016
The description was changed
[regression] Remove dublicate memcache options if update to Joonmla 3.5 RC Fixes #9391
[regression] Remove duplicate memcache options if update to Joonmla 3.5 RC Fixes #9391
avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 13 Mar 2016

hmm it is the wrong patch as it should not be shown if you select "memcache" as we use showon="cache_handler:memcached" (note the d) so maybe showon is broken? we have the same code in 3.4.8 see: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/blob/3.4.8/administrator/components/com_config/model/form/application.xml#L37-L128

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 13 Mar 2016
[regression] Remove duplicate memcache options if update to Joonmla 3.5 RC Fixes #9391
[regression] Remove duplicate memcache options if update to Joomla 3.5 RC Fixes #9391
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2016-03-13 12:30:03
Closed_By zero-24
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - close - 13 Mar 2016

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