User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
Pull Request for Issue #9129.
Enable the user - profile plugin.
Within the plugin, under "User profile fields for registration and administrator user forms" select optional for the "Favorite Book" field.
under "User profile fields for profile edit form", select "disable" for the "Favorite Book" field.
Create a user in the administrator panel and fill in the "Favorite Book" field.
Go to the front-end, select "edit your profile" and hit submit.
Before patch:
If you go to the administrator panel the "Favorite Book" field will be empty.
After patch:
If you go to the administrator panel the "Favorite Book" field will NOT be empty.
Lines 266 to 274 are not related to the issue.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Labels |
Rel_Number | 0 | ⇒ | 9129 |
Relation Type | ⇒ | Pull Request for |
This PR has received new commits.
CC: @RonakParmar
I have tested this PR for "Favourite Book:" field for now and works fine for me.
I personally wouldn't accept this test as successful ;-)
Please test more detailled with other fields, too (textarea, calendar). I hadn't the time yet.
Category | ⇒ | Plugins |
As this just makes the fields hidden, doesn't that mean that by editing the fields in dev tools you can edit them despite not having the permissions?
I have tested this item unsuccessfully on befc16e
@wilsonge is correct hiding the field doesnt stop me from editing it
... and if you were using the field for confidential information you didnt want the user to see then its definitely a no no
So, reopen the issue. Will close this one.
My personal view is that profile data fields like this aren't the correct place for confidential datas at all. Use user notes instead! Or connect users with com_contact!
On the other hand these are datas that are shown and filled by users during registration. That's why they're called "My Profile" datas.
The only way to prevent them from deleting is to show them users or hide them or to "cache" them in plugin for later saving before the form fields are removed. Or add an additional database query in onUserAfterSave().
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2016-02-24 00:46:49 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | bertmert |
ITs not just about being able to see the contents of a hidden field but that you can change it as well. Thanks for trying though - I have reopened the original Issue report
ITs not just about being able to see the contents of a hidden field but that you can change it as well. Thanks for trying though - I have reopened the original Issue report
I have tested this item
successfully on 6ca6cca
I have tested this PR for "Favourite Book:" field for now and works fine for me.
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