No Code Attached Yet J3 Issue
avatar photodude
30 Nov 2015

With PDO getNumRows() If the last SQL statement executed by the associated PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, most databases will not return the number of rows returned by that statement. This is a deviation from the behavior for getNumRows() with mysql or mysqli where getNumRows() is only valid for statements like SELECT or SHOW, and is guaranteed to work.

Note: there is no direct PDOStatement for getNumRows() method that is guaranteed to work with all databases with a SELECT statement.

This method should be rewritten following the recommendation in the PHP documentation
"For most databases, PDOStatement::rowCount() does not return the number of rows affected by a SELECT statement. Instead, use PDO::query() to issue a SELECT COUNT(*) statement with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement, then use PDOStatement::fetchColumn() to retrieve the number of rows that will be returned. Your application can then perform the correct action."

avatar photodude photodude - open - 30 Nov 2015
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 12 Dec 2015
Category SQL
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 14 Dec 2015
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photodude - comment - 26 Mar 2016

@chrisdavenport Do you think this issue with PDO should be addressed?

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chrisdavenport - comment - 26 Mar 2016

Until these last couple of days I hadn't even looked at PDO, but having read some of their documentation now I'm wondering why anyone would even consider using it in the first place. It supposedly abstracts away the differences between the different databases, but it is littered with exceptions that require workarounds, often on the most basic of requests.

I think that if we are going to continue to support PDO then we will need to make a list of the underlying databases that we are going to support in combination with it and write the tests that will prove interoperability with them. Otherwise we'd just be raising people's expectations that it will work with any database supported by PDO, when the reality is it won't. And that's not our fault.

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photodude - comment - 26 Mar 2016

I totally agree, PDO is currently bad at best, a disaster at worst.

Note: I don't use PDO, I only came across this PDO quark in answering someone's question on getNumRows() (the documentation didn't properly reflect the function's actual result at that time)
In applying the documentation correction, I checked and found that PDO has a significantly different behavior from MySQL and MySQLi.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 10 May 2016

Is this still a valid issue in the current staging. There was a change relating to PDO recently

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photodude - comment - 10 May 2016

I believe this is still an issue. The only change to pdo was in d4aa0c2 to add exceptions to the driver

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 10 May 2016

Can you check please as there was also a change to force strict mode off
(to match mysql and mysqli drivers).

On 10 May 2016 at 20:20, Walt Sorensen wrote:

I believe this is still an issue. The only change to pdo was in d4aa0c2
to add exceptions to the driver

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#8571 (comment)

Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

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photodude - comment - 10 May 2016

From a quick look at the code (I'm on my phone and can't test), the issue described is still there.

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photodude - comment - 11 May 2016

@brianteeman taking a deeper look, The code is the same as it was was when this issue was opened.

The problem relates to the use of PDOStatement::rowCount() in the function, details in the link

avatar photodude photodude - change - 11 May 2016
The description was changed
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 7 Jun 2016
Status Information Required Pending
avatar photodude
photodude - comment - 16 Jan 2017

Ping @csthomas @alikon

What are your thoughts on this issue with the use of PDOStatement::rowCount() in the function getNumRows() causing the function to not be vaild for SELECT statement?

avatar photodude
photodude - comment - 26 May 2017

/Ping @csthomas @alikon @mbabker @wilsonge

What are your thoughts on this issue with the use of PDOStatement::rowCount() in the function getNumRows() causing the function to not be vaild for SELECT statement?

Is this an issue or shall we close this?

avatar csthomas
csthomas - comment - 26 May 2017

I see only one solution as you mentioned, means SELECT COUNT(*)

I do not sure about this line:

when I compare it with:

but I'm not familiar with prepared statement in PDO.

avatar alikon
alikon - comment - 27 May 2017

haven't looked at code, but :

A. - PDOStatement::rowCountReturns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement

B. - COUNT(*)Returns one single row with count

therefore the result from A can be different from the result from B
these are different function for different purpose.


we should use SELECT COUNT(*) if we want one row with count (e.g. SELECT)
we can use PDOStatement::rowCount() if we want the affected rows number (e.g UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE)

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csthomas - comment - 27 May 2017

@alikon yes,

public function getNumRows($cursor = null) for SELECT query only and we should use SELECT COUNT(*), there may be some exception for certain database in JDatabaseDriverPdo subclasses.

public function getAffectedRows() for UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE and we can use PDOStatement::rowCount()

public function getNumRows($cursor = null) description should be changed.

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photodude - comment - 27 May 2017

We should probably create a unit test that shows when this returns the wrong results.

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photodude - comment - 28 May 2017

From what I just read it looks like PDOStatement::rowCount() with SELECT might be valid for the PDO_MYSQL driver It's the question of the other databases we support, specifically pgsql

avatar photodude photodude - change - 24 Nov 2017
PDO `getNumRows()` is not vaild for SELECT statement
PDO `getNumRows()` is not valid for SELECT statement
avatar photodude photodude - edited - 24 Nov 2017
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 25 Mar 2018
Labels Added: J3 Issue
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - labeled - 25 Mar 2018
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brianteeman - comment - 10 Apr 2018

@photodude anything happening here. Its been almost a year since last updated and I dont see the point in having stale issues open forever

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photodude - comment - 10 Apr 2018

@brianteeman I only know about the issue when I discovered it from a method use question came up that resulted in a documentation clarification for the mysqli driver. I don't have the knowledge or skills to address this issue.

Someone with more PDO knowledge and the implications on various supported Databases would have to comment further.

avatar jwaisner jwaisner - change - 18 Jul 2020
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Status Pending Confirmed
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avatar photodude
photodude - comment - 16 Jan 2021

Seems no one is interested in addressing this PDO issue. I don't have the request PDO knowledge about implications on various supported Databases to process further than Identifying this issue.

As there is no movement, I guess this is stale and can be voted to close or keep open pending someone with the necessary PDO skills to address the issue.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 23 Aug 2022

Thank you for raising this issue.

Joomla 3 is now in security only mode with no further bug fixes or new features.

As this issue doesn't relate to Joomla 4 it will now been closed.

If we are mistaken and this does apply to Joomla 4 please open a new issue (and reference this one if you wish) with updated details for testing in Joomla
cc @zero-24

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 23 Aug 2022
Status Confirmed Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2022-08-23 10:13:12
Closed_By zero-24
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