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This PR moves inline keepalive js script to a external keepalive.js file.
Also now uses JRoute to remove the redirect from com_ajax URI call when using sef.
None that i know of.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
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Works great!
Thanks @andrepereiradasilva for doing this!
This PR has received new commits.
CC: @dgt41
value, for just 2 variable ... it can work fine with data-interval
(or around), and it more "readable" in output, that means more easy to debug@Fedik @andrepereiradasilva for the onload event we could use something like:
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(){
if (document.readyState === "complete"){
document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", arguments.callee );
// code ...
which is plain js, so no jQuery dependency
is IE
'use strict';
var modern = !!w.addEventListener,
event = modern ? 'load', 'onload';
w[modern ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent'](event, function(){
// your code here
this PR introduce jQuery dependency (while it can work fine without jQuery) , so now Joomla need to load 4 files instead of one line of the inline code ... btw, framework dependancy was removed in #3376, so it some kind of regression to me
Ok, so in your view the js in core should be vanilla js?
Or at least, when possible, reduce the dependencie from js frameworks?
I can identify with that.
I'm asking that because if you look at behavior.php you will see a lot of jQuery usage.
I do not see any profit from forcing JSON as data- value, for just 2 variable ... it can work fine with data-interval data-url (or around), and it more "readable" in output, that means more easy to debug
Yes it's more readable, i didn't like either the html entities in the HTML code.
So should we always use data-* attributes without json in core js, except when there is a lot o variables?
I will introduce the changes needed when i have time.
Use of jQuery is fine, but if the code already independent form the framework, then beter keep it in this way, when it is possible. I think.
Example core.js
independent from any framework now.
I'm asking that because if you look at behavior.php you will see a lot of jQuery usage.
Mainly it depend from people who wrote that scripts
So should we always use data-* attributes without json in core js, except when there is a lot o variables?
Personally, I would do like this, yes.
This PR has received new commits.
CC: @dgt41
Looks good, thanks!
One more request:
Now all variables in the global scope, can you please wrap it into anonymous function, and use strict
'use strict';
// your code here
This PR has received new commits.
CC: @dgt41
This PR has received new commits.
CC: @dgt41
... and work with other session handlers (memcache, redis, etc)
Please do not change this, it breaks thing that was fixed in #7363, and return issue #6730 back to life
Something for concern.
I think this Pull request bring potential backward compatibility problem (and just a problem) for extensions which merge the scripts, for optimization. As they ignore any custom attribute, the current keepalive code will be broken after merging keepalive.js
with other JavaScript files to a single file.
This also means that all scripts that will use costume attributes by #8540 could be broken in this case
Please do not change this, it breaks thing that was fixed in #7363, and return issue #6730 back to life
I'm sorry but you are saying that if we use session handler 'none' Joomla will use the PHP.ini session value without changing the session time to the defined in the global config?
I think is not the way it works. I think Joomla uses ini_set to change the php session timeout value when set to handler is set to 'None'.
But i did the test and i didn't confirm your issue. I did this:
session.gc_maxlifetime = 60
Something for concern.
I think this Pull request bring potential backward compatibility problem (and just a problem) for extensions which merge the scripts, for optimization. As they ignore any custom attribute, the current keepalive code will be broken after merging keepalive.js with other JavaScript files to a single file.
This also means that all scripts that will use costume attributes by #8540 could be broken in this case
True, but it's not a Joomla B/C problem, those extension can be improved to check the script tag has other attributes and use it. But we also could use a default value in the js in the case no attribute is found in the script tag (e.g. 1 minute interval, and index.php as URI) to reduce potencial problems.
We can also run tests with some of those extensions.
@andrepereiradasilva I think you should rename/move the scripts to media/jui/js/keepalive.js (uncompressed) and media/jui/js/keepalive.min.js (compressed). The -uncompressed option comes from the dark ages of mootools, modern scripts follow the other paradigm. Also since the script will be introduced first time is better to store it to jui folder...
This PR has received new commits.
CC: @dgt41
"jui" mostly has stuff related to Bootstrap and that effort, "system" at
one point was mostly Joomla's core JavaScript API. Probably best to clean
that all up at one point, but the system folder was fine.
On Saturday, November 28, 2015, Dimitri Grammatikogianni <> wrote:
@andrepereiradasilva I think you
should rename/move the scripts to media/jui/js/keepalive.js (uncompressed)
and media/jui/js/keepalive.min.js (compressed). The -uncompressed option
comes from the dark ages of mootools, modern scripts follow the other
paradigm. Also since the script will be introduced first time is better to
store it to jui folder...—
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#8545 (comment).
But i did the test and i didn't confirm your issue.
ok, maybe it has been fixed in Session for Joomla 3.5
I have tested this item successfully on 290c439
Test OK
Category | ⇒ | JavaScript |
I have tested this item
HTML code
Tweaked the code to trigger calling URI every 10 seconds and it works.
Category | JavaScript | ⇒ | Libraries |
I have tested this item
Works like a charm @icampus
I have tested this item
it works @icampus
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
RTC as we have 2 successful tests
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@andrepereiradasilva How come a PR from last year is depending on a PR from 9 days ago?
"it's a kind of magic"
kidding aside, i replaced my old PR for that one recently (you can see that if you read the comments there)
@andrepereiradasilva A magician there anything you can't do :)
I see now, thanks for the explanation.
Category | Libraries | ⇒ | Libraries JavaScript |
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Category | Libraries JavaScript | ⇒ | Libraries JavaScript Unit Tests |
fixed conflicts and reviweed code to use the new 3.7.x methods (JDocument::addScriptOptions and js Joomla.request)
Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2016-10-02 16:52:15 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | rdeutz |
Labels |
@andrepereiradasilva can this work without #11289 ?
hm, but why we need polyfill here?
it can work very well without document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {})
after you have changed code to use Joomla.getOptions('system.keepalive')
this code already uses Joomla.getOptions('system.keepalive')
I prefer to have sure that the content is already loaded so we can defer js processing to after dom ready.
but if you can do it without polyfill, please make a PR to change that
I have tested this item
successfully on 5199006
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