Please check.
Some of these come from #8132
Changes are:
-JLIB_NO_EDITOR_PLUGIN_PUBLISHED="We can't show an editor because no editor plugin is published."
+JLIB_NO_EDITOR_PLUGIN_PUBLISHED="Unable to display an editor because no editor plugin is published."
-JLIB_RULES_DATABASE_FAILURE="Failure by storing the data to the database."
+JLIB_RULES_DATABASE_FAILURE="Failed storing the data to the database."
-JLIB_RULES_REQUEST_FAILURE="Failure by sending the data to server."
-JLIB_RULES_SAVE_BEFORE_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS="Please save before change permissions."
+JLIB_RULES_REQUEST_FAILURE="Failed sending the data to server."
+JLIB_RULES_SAVE_BEFORE_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS="Please save before changing permissions."
All good changes