The check that is removed in this PR was not valid since Joomla 1.6 and there is no way to install an editor in a way that this check would have evaluated to true. So this might as well be removed here and now.
@brianteeman Make sure the editor is still being loaded properly (when you edit an article for example) and your test could be counted as one successful test.
@test : Look good from code review. Also applied the patch and editor still being loaded properly. So test success from me.
@brianteeman as @joomdonation said, this is during loading of an editor. This check came from a time where plugins did not have their own folder, but were installed in the plugin groups folder directly. That is not possible anymore since 1.6 and thus this check can be removed.
Applied patch and was still able to install JCE - is that a successful test?
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