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Pull Request for # 6064

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avatar compojoom
15 Mar 2015

Since nobody else wants to make a pull request for this, I'm adding this code for review here.

After talking to Hannes about this one: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/joomla-dev-general/WC0EI0NTiRE I realized that this is a bug.
It can be easily reproduced with com_content. Just go to any view (lets say article view) and on top of the file add:

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get(2);
$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);
$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);

note: change 2 with a category id that exist in your installation.

this will produce a fatal error like this one:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getChildren() on a non-object in ...\default.php on line 18

if we change the code to:

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get(2);
$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);

and we var_dump the category. This time we won't get a fatal error, but the array that we get, won't have all children, but it will just contain the category with id 2.

if we change the code to

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);

then we get the expected array starting from the root node.

If we change the code to:

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);
$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);

We won't get any fatal error. We'll get the expected array starting from the root.

So it seems that the fatal error only happens when we first try to fetch a particular category. And after that call JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true); twice. The second call won't work.

If we try to force the loading of the root node like this:

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get(2);
$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get('root', true)->getChildren(true);
$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get('root', true)->getChildren(true);

We'll still get the fatal error.

If we do the following modifications to JCategories.
line 179 to 183:

    // If this $id has not been processed yet, execute the _load method
        if ((!isset($this->_nodes[$id]) && !isset($this->_checkedCategories[$id])) || $forceload)
            $this->_load($id, $forceload);

Then we change the _load function to accept the forceload

    protected function _load($id, $forceload)

And then on line 311 we change the code to

// Create the node
                if (!isset($this->_nodes[$result->id]) || $forceload) 

Then the error doesn't occur when we do the forceload. However this is not a solution to the problem in any way. It just points out that something is wrong with the way we build our nodes array.

Upon further investigation of the problem I think that the following is happening.
When we first do:

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get(2);

The database query returns all results starting from the root. Our nodes array contains root and id 2.
With the next line

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);

We again have to execute the _load function since the root id hasn't been checked yet. This will return an array with the root element and all other categories. But then getChildren is being called. Since the _allchidlrendsloaded flag hasn't been set. The getChildren function will call get with the forceload set.

We'll again do a db query and fetch the results. This time however in our foreach we will end in the elseif statement where this code will kick in:

if (!isset($this->_nodes[$result->parent_id]))

This will basically remove the root node from the array.
Now the second time we try to do this:

$category = JCategories::getInstance('Content')->get()->getChildren(true);

get won't try to load the results and will just return null, because the root node is not set, but _checkedCategories has been set... So it doesn't make sense to go and search for this element.

So, any ideas on how to actually properly fix this? Currently i'm thinking of changing line 355 to:

if (!isset($this->_nodes[$result->parent_id]) && $result->id != 'root')

This way if we are dealing with the root element we won't remove it from the array, but I'm not sure if this the correct thing to do here. Anyone?

avatar compojoom compojoom - open - 15 Mar 2015
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 15 Mar 2015
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avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 15 Mar 2015
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avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 15 Mar 2015
Category Libraries
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 15 Mar 2015
The description was changed
JCategories Fatal error: Call to a member function getChildren() on a no...
JCategories Fatal error: Call to a member function getChildren() on a non-object fixed #6064
Rel_Number 6064
Relation Type Pull Request for
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 15 Mar 2015
JCategories Fatal error: Call to a member function getChildren() on a no...
JCategories Fatal error: Call to a member function getChildren() on a non-object fixed #6064
avatar Erftralle
Erftralle - comment - 15 Mar 2015

@test: patch tested succesfully.

avatar compojoom compojoom - reference | - 8 Apr 15
avatar yvesh
yvesh - comment - 8 Apr 2015

Just tested and seems to work fine.

@test successfull

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 8 Apr 2015
Status Pending Ready to Commit
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - alter_testresult - 8 Apr 2015 - Erftralle: Tested successfully
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - alter_testresult - 8 Apr 2015 - yvesh: Tested successfully
avatar zero-24
zero-24 - comment - 8 Apr 2015

Thanks here! Moving this to RTC.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/6440.

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 8 Apr 2015
Labels Added: ?
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 8 Apr 2015
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avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 13 Apr 2015
Status Ready to Commit Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2015-04-13 15:06:00
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - close - 13 Apr 2015
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - reference | - 13 Apr 15
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - merge - 13 Apr 2015
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - close - 13 Apr 2015
avatar zero-24 zero-24 - close - 13 Apr 2015
avatar wilsonge wilsonge - change - 13 Apr 2015
Milestone Added:
avatar smz
smz - comment - 8 May 2015


George, what about the bug I exposed in #5412 and the related #5416 PR?

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 14 Oct 2015
Labels Removed: ?

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