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Pull Request for Issue #45100 .
Modify the $searchEmail pattern by adding the underscore character to the character class where it's currently matching letters, numbers, and special characters like periods, apostrophes, hyphens, and plus signs.
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Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Front End Plugins |
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I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 74ec6b1
I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 74ec6b1
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
@ChristineWk @BennoMath @dautrich Have you also tested that an email address without underscore still works?
Am asking because that part is missing in the testing instructions. But it should always be tested that nothing is broken by a fix, not only that the issue is fixed.
This just in general, I don’t expect any issues.
@ChristineWk @BennoMath @dautrich Have you also tested that an email address without underscore still works?
Am asking because that part is missing in the testing instructions. But it should always be tested hat nothing is broken by a fix, not only that the issue is fixed.
This just in general, I don’t expect any issues.
I just checked it with activated PR. It's OK.
I just checked it with activated PR. It's OK.
@ChristineWk Thanks for checking. That’s sufficient for me.
Thank you everyone for testing this PR.
@richard67 I also successfully checked with an email address without an underscore, with the PR code applied.
@richard67 Yes, successfully tested also with an email address without underscore.
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Testing Instructions:
The 1st point should be: Plugins > Content-Email Cloaking
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