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Pull Request for Issue # .
somewhere in the index.php
of the atum templatePlease select:
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Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Repository Libraries NPM Change |
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NPM Resource Changed
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b/c break
Category | Repository Libraries NPM Change | ⇒ | Libraries |
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NPM Resource Changed
Category | Libraries | ⇒ | Libraries Front End Plugins |
Do we have to add the deprecated tag to the methods in the compat plugin as well?
Do we have to add the deprecated tag to the methods in the compat plugin as well?
To me it feels redundant, as it will never show up in the IDE
I agree that it wont show up in the IDE, but it will prevent any discussions in the future about removal and deprecation if you move the tag from the old code also over to the new code.
Thank you!
@dgrammatiko I like this change and the addition to the compatibility plugin, to then remove it after.
Can you do as @HLeithner suggested and we can get testing done and merge it
the implementation in the b/c plugin is not optimal.
please add a new Class for this function and also an option to disable "all html helper functions" (do we have more?) and make it as option please.
please add a new Class
what namespace? is namespace Joomla\Plugin\Behaviour\Compat\HTML\Bootstrap
and also an option
simple toggle should be ok here?
@softforge the first batch of requests is already done, I'll do the lest 2 later on (or tomorrow)
yes namespace is ok, we already have yes/no fields in the config. something like that
Category | Libraries Front End Plugins | ⇒ | Administration Language & Strings Libraries Front End Plugins |
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Language Change
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I have tested this item ✅ successfully on 30d3736
Istead fo removing, I would move it to the compat plugin.