had contact to a screenreader-user
Backend: Tabs and Tabpanel can be operated using the arrow buttons (OK), but the tabs are also in the focus order (tab order). Only the selected tab may be in the focus order. When I tab through, each tab is "selected", but the selected tab is also "expanded".
We are using the the wrong aria-attributes for the tab-buttons and the tabindex for the button is is not set.
tab-button should have : 'aria-selected instead of aria-expanded (for accordion-button correct) and we need to set the tabindex.
tabObj.accordionButton.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); tabObj.tabButton.setAttribute('aria-selected', false); tabObj.tabButton.setAttribute('tabindex', -1) ;
This we can change in \media\vendor\joomla-custom-elements\joomla-tab.js
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Fixed Js-Files as text-file attached, because I can not find this file in the build -folder to make pull request .-(
@angieradtke Well that's because joomla-custom-elements is an NPM dependency. The JS would need to be fixed upstream, and when merged there it would need to make a new release of the joomla-custom-elements and then make a PR in this repo here to update that dependency.
The upstream repository should be this one: https://github.com/joomla-projects/custom-elements
With which version did you observe the issue? 5.2.3? Or 5.3-dev?
? 5.2.3
Yes 5.2.3
I have tried the pull request again, please check if this is correct? Thank you very much .-)
I have tested this item successfully. It cannot be tested as usual.
#44831 (comment) is merged.
Well I think it would need a new release or tag upstream before we can fetch that into the CMS with a new PR.
Fixed Js-Files as text-file attached, because I can not find this file in the build -folder to make pull request .-(