Any selector that uses 'Joomla.form.field.list-fan-select' or 'Joomla.form.field.groupedlist-Fancy-select' does not find chains in a text from approximately more than 30 characters.
For example, create a category with a long text and in listing articles performs a search for the end of the phrase.
I should find any word throughout the sentence.
In the image if I begin to perform the search from the word 'activitats', it does not find the category.
With word 'activitats' or 'consell' or 'esportiu' ...
Joomla 5.1.4
I would also like to try, is there any example of using AJAX searches?
Well, I found an example in 'C:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\layouts\joomla\form\field\tag.php' but the same thing happens when creating a label with long text. It turns out that Ajax returns correct answers but Choices do not visualize them.
As I say, it seems that there is a limit of the first 30 characters in the chain.
Same problem in Menus elements selector and with any selector that uses choices.
Thank you so much
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Hi @brianteeman ,
Thanks for your reply.
I didn't expect the limit to be in the choices.js file and I didn't see a variable to be able to modify this value. I modified the value and it gives an error.
So, do you advise me to ask the question at
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Confirmed. I believe that there is a 36 character limit as part of the choices.js script.