When saving materials in Joomla 5.1 not through the standard form of the control panel (for example, YOOtheme Pro), the schemaorg is deleted.
The schemaorg plugin should ignore form submission without a schema.
Schemaorg plugin removes a record from a table _schemaorg
Joomla 5.1
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In the onContentAfterSave method of the "plg_system_schemaorg" there is code that clears the contents of the record in the table if the properties of the array with data are empty:
if (empty($data['schema']) || empty($data['schema']['schemaType']) || $data['schema']['schemaType'] === 'None') { $this->deleteSchemaOrg($itemId, $context); return; }
It seems to me that this is not a correct check, because if editing Article outside the com_content, for example through YOOtheme Pro builder, then the data is cleared, because there is no standard form for sending data
This issue fixed with Yootheme Pro 4.4.12+
Please close this as it is not and was not a joomla bug.
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2024-11-26 15:04:57 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | alikon |
So this is a issue of Yootheme?