No Code Attached Yet bug
avatar rabidgrowth
11 Oct 2023

Steps to reproduce the issue

  • Make site with public folder (#41446)
  • Make console plugin

Expected result

JPATH_PUBLIC is public directory. Example: /var/www/jbeta

Actual result

JPATH_PUBLIC is directory I putted joomla5 files inside before install. Example: /opt/joomla5

System information (as much as possible)

Ubuntu Server 22.04, Apache 2.4, MySQL 8.0, PHP 8.2

Additional comments

I think problem is same file as my issue 42114, libraries/src/Helper/PublicFolderGeneratorHelper.php. I see he makes new file defines.php inside new public directory. This work for site and administrator and api app, okay. He does not work for cli app. cli app load only JPATH_ROOT/includes/defines.php, he does not load JPATH_PUBLIC/defines.php. He does not know JPATH_PUBLIC!

I try fix, edit includes/defines.php. I am unhappy. After I upgrade joomla, poof, file reset, problem again. Not a fix.

I like public folder feature. But he is not "release candidate" feature still. I think he needs public folder in configuration.php. After load configuration.php, define JPATH_PUBLIC. Not define him inside the defines.php who load before configuration.php.

avatar rabidgrowth rabidgrowth - open - 11 Oct 2023
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 11 Oct 2023
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - labeled - 11 Oct 2023
avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 11 Oct 2023

I'll have a look but fwiw the constant JPATH_PUBLIC needs to be declared way before loading the configuration iirc. Thanks for the feedback

@HLeithner how do you feel about introducing a CLI/joomla.php in the public folder (just define the JPATH_PUBLIC, load the defines and require the original joomla.php)?

@rabidgrowth I'm not so sure if the CLI code should be mixed with the served (public folder). I mean you can still execute the php file from the non public folder but anyways I think the maintainers should decide what's more convenient/hepful/expected behaviour...

avatar rabidgrowth
rabidgrowth - comment - 11 Oct 2023

I agree cli not in public. I fix by put cli/joomla.php in JPATH_PUBLIC yesterday. But bad for security! No do that! I said not this because bad. You and I agree.

But CLI app is not for only manage site database, no files. I don't agree. CLI app is for manage all site, database, files, what ever.

Example. I have console plugin who update .htaccess. Joomla 5, .htaccess now is inside JPATH_PUBLIC, no inside JPATH_ROOT. I don't know JPATH_PUBLIC inside CLI. I can not update .htaccess. Bad.

I looked again. I have new idea! May be, put new defines.php inside JPATH_ROOT/cli. This stuff:

\defined('_JEXEC') or die;
\defined('JPATH_PUBLIC') || \define('JPATH_PUBLIC', '/var/www/jbeta');
require __DIR__ . '/../includes/defines.php';

This solves problem. No bad things happen, yes? Need only small change inside your libraries/src/Helper/PublicFolderGeneratorHelper.php file. Can you think about this? Please? Thanks!

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 11 Oct 2023

@rabidgrowth how about \defined('JPATH_PUBLIC') || \define('JPATH_PUBLIC', JPATH_ROOT);?

FWIW for the CLI instances JPATH_PUBLIC === JPATH_ROOT (unless you want to actually modify things on the public folder, which probably is not recommended [supported?])

avatar rabidgrowth
rabidgrowth - comment - 11 Oct 2023

I'm writing it with Google Translate because I don't think we understand each other.

In joomla 3 I had made a CLI script that extended JApplicationCli. Every hour I ran it with a CRON job. It downloads a list of blocked IPs from a central server and passes them into the .htaccess of each of my client's websites.

Because I read you will remove JApplicationCli in joomla5, I made it a console plugin in joomla4. I just changed the CRON jobs to go via cli/joomla.php.

This solution has been working for over 10 years. Therefore, it is supported.

The fact that a CLI script that only runs if you have SSH access or a CRON job is obviously more secure than a web script that is run by whoever has the URL is self-evident. Therefore, it is recommended.

Do you agree?

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 11 Oct 2023

Do you agree?

Yes, the use case is totally legit

avatar rabidgrowth
rabidgrowth - comment - 11 Oct 2023

Thank you very much! If I can help further, let me know.

avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 12 Oct 2023

Finding a solution here would be great, writing it into the configuration.php might not be the right approach, we should keep this file as tidy as possible. Adding a variable which might only effect cli because the web variant doesn't use it can lead to confusion.

An alternative could be to add a defines.php for the cli, which is also not the nicest why. allowing to set an environment variable could be a solution. or a parameter like live_url. I'm not so sure about the best way currently.

avatar dgrammatiko
dgrammatiko - comment - 12 Oct 2023

Ok couple notes here:

  • #41596 actually was wrong and should be reverted if there's no other way of defining the constant PUBLIC_FOLDER
  • I'm ok with defines/.env or something similar. Actually in the demo module I was keeping the reference of the public folder in a json file (well, that won't really work nice for security but I think that a reference to the public folder should be also done in the joomla ROOT, so both places could have a way to both JPATH_ROOT and JPATH_PUBLIC)
avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 27 Mar 2024
Labels Added: bug
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