When I e.g. press Control Panel or any other item I get an annoying big white dialog, which after closing pops up after every action. See screenshot. However when I click away the dialog the dialog (only possible via clicking the exit cross at the top right corner; the exit cross in the red bar on the left doesn’t work), then all is green, appendix 2. I run the default Atum template for the backend and the Cassopeia template for the website. Strange is that I cannot remove the old j3 templates, although they are not selected.
How can I fix this annoying problem![screen shot 2023-03-27 at 10 14 51](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/9990d94a51895ec773876bb32044e8e7069c16caa966923993c369df2562b82a/68747470733a2f2f6973737565732e6a6f6f6d6c612e6f72672f75706c6f6164732f312f35636635653864633065363330363863653365376136636266383331376463332e6a7067)
Expected result: backen with annoying pop up window
Actual result: see appendix 1
System information (as much as possible)
Additional comments
![screen shot 2023-03-27 at 10 14 53](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/80a490b0b1b2bea545380ebb8e3fe6e61fbc00f2ce2a2c2b5fde1c4314dead98/68747470733a2f2f6973737565732e6a6f6f6d6c612e6f72672f75706c6f6164732f312f65666539656463396165633437643966386163616339373764393161346439652e706e67)
Probably this effect is caused by a javascript from your old J3 templates. Please aks this question in forum.joomla.org.