No Code Attached Yet bug
avatar coolcat-creations
6 Dec 2022

Steps to reproduce the issue

If you make an update from a previous Joomla Version before 4.2.x, you get this After Install Messages


If you make a fresh install Joomla of 4.2.5 you only get Post Install Messages from Joomla 3

From the following discussion, I understood that News about the new Plugins like HTTP headers or webauth disappear when the plugins get enabled. So in a fresh installation of 4.2.5 you won't get informed about new features in Joomla, but you get informed about two new resources that have been invented 9 Years ago.

It does not make sense for me to highlight a change that has been made 9 Years ago but not mention a change that has been made for the recent version.

Post Install messages are way too prominent to point out a fact that was invented 9 Years ago ?

avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - open - 6 Dec 2022
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 6 Dec 2022
Labels Added: No Code Attached Yet
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avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

@coolcat-creations Is there something missing or a typo in your description. For the first case you wrote "Install a 4.2 Joomla Version", and for the second case you wrote "Install a 4.2.5 Joomla Version". What's the difference? Should the first one be "Install a 4.2 Joomla Version 4.2.4 or older" or something like that? Or is the 2nd case not a new install but an update?

avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - change - 6 Dec 2022
The description was changed
avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - edited - 6 Dec 2022
avatar coolcat-creations
coolcat-creations - comment - 6 Dec 2022

Its both separate installs, I changed the text to make it more clear

avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

So the first "4.2" should have been a "4.2.0". That is not "more clear", it is just "clear", because before that change it was completely unclear.

avatar coolcat-creations
coolcat-creations - comment - 6 Dec 2022

So the first "4.2" should have been a "4.2.0". That is not "more clear", it is just "clear", because before that change it was completely unclear.

yes sorry, for me a 4.2 without more information is a 4.2.0 but now hopefully its understandable

avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

@coolcat-creations The postinstall message for improved multifactor authentication is only shown when all plugins of type "multifactorauth" are disabled, which is the case after an update to 4.2.0 but not after a new installation.

As soon as you disable all these plugins, that postinstall message will show up again. Could you check if this is the case on your 4.2.5 installation?

And can you check on the 4.2.0 if at least one of these plugins is enabled and if so, disable it to see if the message disappears?

If all that is the case, I would say for this one postinstall message it's expected behaviour.

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richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

With the postinstall message about the "HTTP Security Headers" it's the same. Ist is shown when the system plugin "HTTP Headers" is not enabled, which is the case after an update or when you disable it on a new install, and it is not shown after a clean new install.

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richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

So either your 4.2.0 was not a clean new install but an update, or you had disabled the named plugins after the installation.

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richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

The messages for Joomla 3 which you've mentioned are also shown on a clean, new installation of the current 4.2-dev branch. So all in all I see no issue here if the status of these plugins is like I wrote.

avatar coolcat-creations
coolcat-creations - comment - 6 Dec 2022

So Joomla 4 shows only Joomla 3 After Install messages and that's indended?

avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

The statistics one is still relevant, so it is not Joomla 3 only, and the welcome thing I don't know if that still makes sense. Have you verified the statuses of your plugins like I wrote? Or did you not read what I wrote about that? Please report back if they are enabled or disabled so we can know if it is right or wrong that the messages about HTTP headers and improved multifactor auth are not shown.

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richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

P.S.: The version numbers are clearly labelled with a "Since version". So what makes you think that messages which exist since a version 3.x are only to be shown on Joomla 3 and not on Joomla 4? The statistics message is still relevant, as I said, and the hyperlinks in the welcome message are still working and still relevant, too. So your expectation that these are messages for Joomla 3 is simply wrong.

avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 6 Dec 2022
Labels Added: Information Required
avatar richard67 richard67 - labeled - 6 Dec 2022
avatar coolcat-creations
coolcat-creations - comment - 6 Dec 2022

Hi Richard, I read what you wrote, but I do not understand it.
Messages are shown that Community resources are available for new users since Joomla 3.2 - when was that ? 15 years ago? Is this still worth to mention as a after install message ? Joomla 4 is a new major version so I think we should leave changes from J3 behind as J4.0.0 is the new "base"
Second: When I disable Http Headers the after install message for it appears in the post install messages. That makes no sense. Is it a post install message to inform about changes since a certain version? Then it should be shown independent of the status of this plugin. When I disable WebAuth no message appears. so either this is wrong or the message about http headers is wrong. The messages should be consistent no matter if there is an update or new installation.

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richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

When I disable WebAuth no message appears.

Where? In the user settings? These are just for an individual user. I was talking about the status of all plugins belonging to plugin group "webauthentication".

These 2 messages shall remind the user to switch on certain plugins. If he has done that or it was done with a new installation, there is no need to show them.

In general, when we update installations, we always add the new plugins with disabled status in our update SQL scripts because we don't know in all cases if the conditions to enable that particular plugin are fulfilled. This is why on a new installation such new plugins are enabled, but after an update from a previous version where they did niot exists so they were added, they are not enabled.

I am not the one who has invented these postinstall messages.

I am also not the one who has invented how we handle inserting of new plugins in update SQL scripts.

I am only the one who understood how it was meant to work and who tries to explain that here.

You might modify title and description of this issue or make new issues if you think something is wrong.

But like it is now this issue is not right because it describes a bug where there is no bug.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 6 Dec 2022

Would removing the "since version" part of the message be better?

avatar richard67
richard67 - comment - 6 Dec 2022

Would removing the "since version" part of the message be better?

@brianteeman You mean remove only the label, „Since version“ but leave the version? Or remove it all, including the version? The latter could be good, less confusing. If a particular postinstall message needs to refer to a version number, it can do that inside the message, e.g. „Beginning with version x, there is bla bla blubb“.

avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - change - 7 Dec 2022
[J4.2.5] - Joomla 4 After Install Messages are gone
[J4.2.5] - Improve Joomla 4 Postinstall Messages
avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - edited - 7 Dec 2022
avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - change - 7 Dec 2022
The description was changed
avatar coolcat-creations coolcat-creations - edited - 7 Dec 2022
avatar coolcat-creations
coolcat-creations - comment - 7 Dec 2022

I edited the initial post completely

avatar Hackwar Hackwar - change - 22 Feb 2023
Labels Added: bug
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avatar richard67 richard67 - change - 6 Apr 2023
Labels Removed: Information Required
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