The message that is displayed should be:
Kan geen verbinding maken met de database. Foutmelding: Kon geen verbinding met de database maken.
The error message shown is:
Kan geen verbinding maken met de database. Foutmelding: Could not connect to database: No such file or directory
The part that says No such file or directory is also misleading, because in this case it has nothing to do with a file or directory unless this is a reference to the configuration.php file?
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@MartijnMaandag can you check this please. Thanks.
Looks like it has nothing to do with the translation package but with the underlying FW Database code which has an hardcoded english error message that includes the error message from the php mysqli driver which is IIRC only aviable in english too. That message will be passed to the error message shown to the users here:
So we have a few ways to solve this:
Back from holliday ;-)
I think that technical things that come from databases should not all be translated. This way we must translate every text which could come from the database.
In the example above there is even a part translated which helps the user. The "Foutmelding:" shows it is coming from another source.
When I have a problem with a message, I turn from Dutch into English and try to search with the English string to solve the problem ;-)
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