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Pull Request for Issue #37380 part1 .
Images are always wrapped in a figure tag.
see #37380 part 1.
Open an article and add images from media. Add mage class, caption, caption class in all variants.
see #37380 part 1.
very image has is wrapped i a figure.
All classes are set,
Caption is only set when a caption is entered
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | JavaScript Repository NPM Change |
Thanks @dgrammatiko I made this PR so we can discuss.
I am just am working on a site where editors add content. Some images have captions, others don't. I am struggling with the styling, if images are different.
The problem is the different options (and results) between using com_media and com_content intro/full images
The problem is the different options (and results) between using com_media and com_content intro/full images
FWIW I think you should first fix the com_content intro/full inputs (as you cannot change the existing inputs, you can only add more) fix the layout to have conditional output of image/figure (that's a mild B/C break) and then port the UI to this selector so things are consistent across the board.
Sounds like a plan.
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I have tested this item ? unsuccessfully on ed76ce1
[Apply Patch] results in error message
«There are no files to patch from this pull request. This may mean that the files in the pull request are not present in your installation.»
Ok, but it's not always easy to find out what to test. I have a feeling, that the filters of the Joomla! Patch Tester are not always working as they are expected to.
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@chmst I would change the conditional to:
In this case a user will get:
Basically it's more flexible than dictating one specific output like you did
You can add one more check box for figure to allow the case that a user wants a figure element without defining any classes (the code is similar to the lazy load checkbox)