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Pull Request for Issue #37575.
Added validation for non zip files in 'build\media_source\plg_installer_packageinstaller\js\packageinstaller.es6.js'
Try to upload an extension in the "upload package file".
The error was showing just red colored error bar without any content.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Administration Language & Strings JavaScript Repository NPM Change Front End Plugins |
Labels |
Language Change
NPM Resource Changed
I would more ask why is there no message in the alert. I think it would be better to serve a proper message from the server why the installation failed. Did you figure out where this empty error comes from?
When we send folder as data, xhr readystate changes to 4 and status to 0. It means request is failed. When request fails, value of xhr.statusText changes into empty string("").
xhr.statusText is a string so it will satisfy below-pointed condition and empty message will be shown.
I tried xhr request on my local machine and found that when we send folder as data, request fails. So I think sending folder is not allowed in xmlhttprequest.
So it means the request never arrives on the server?
I think so. Can you please confirm that?
Category | Administration Language & Strings JavaScript Repository NPM Change Front End Plugins | ⇒ | Administration Language & Strings JavaScript Repository NPM Change Libraries Front End Plugins |
I would more ask why is there no message in the alert. I think it would be better to serve a proper message from the server why the installation failed. Did you figure out where this empty error comes from?