For the custom field types 'list' and 'SQL', if multiple = true, we are shown a list in a box where to select multiple items you have to hold down CMD or CTRL.
This is hard for some people to understand and use, and seems terribly old-fashioned (web-wise).
At a minimum, it would be nice if these fields rendered with the core fancy select list when multiple items are possible.
For consistency, it could also be a better user experience to use the fancy select even when selecting one item; the default drop-down is cumbersome when there are many items and it would be nice to be able to type to find a specific item. This is consistent with the category selection in articles and in other places.
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I think there is already an open issue for this.
This would be a new option where the layout can be defined. The choices.js ones need the layout joomla.form.field.list-fancy-select
If there was an option to define the layout I'd love it. I have several use cases on my site and the upcoming version of my Ticket System software where it'd made a hell of a lot more sense than the default layout. Would you have the time to do a PR? I can promise a test from both me and Crystal — each one of us has a different use case where we'd need it.
This would be a new option where the layout can be defined. The choices.js ones need the layout
Allowing the layout to be defined would be absolutely utterly MAGICAL and open so many doors for custom fields for advanced integrators.
I think there is already an open issue for this.
I didn't see any, I did check!
Maybe "Form Layout"?
There is an issue from @wilsonge that all fields needed to be converted to use layouts perhaps that is the one I was thinking of.
I know because I tried to do that and add support for fancy-field exactly as you request #34941. There was also another issue about creating layout overrides for fields #36046. It was something I needed as well but failed to create to fell back to adding the field in the xml instead of a custom field. There are still quite a lot of gaps between fields (and options) you can create in xml and the same in the custom fields component
I think that if someone is able to add the layout (form layout? Form render layout? Form field layout?) to custom fields it would go a long way in closing those gaps. I can just imagine the possibilities with custom subform layouts...
i agree 10000% but I tried myself and failed
I tried to take a look before opening the issue but couldn't make heads nor tails of where the layouts come from so it's sadly above my level too. :(
Feedback welcome on #36551.
@nikosdion You can do that already without any core changes on your custom fields. The logic of the pr #36551 can be applied to any custom field. Setting the layout must then be done in your plugin in the onCustomFieldsPrepareDom
method override.
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2022-01-03 18:46:12 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | richard67 |
@laoneo Wanna take a look at this? This sounds like a reasonable way to implement it, possibly with an option in the field plugin.