? Pending

User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:

avatar Kostelano
8 Apr 2020

Summary of Changes

Added a space and line break to the message that the Mass Mail Users component sends.

Testing Instructions

  1. Create a user with an email address (e.g. Gmail) that you have access to. Also, in the settings, enable sending email messages.
  2. Go to Users: Options -> Mass Mail Users, add some prefix and some signature.
  3. Go to Users -> Mass Mail Users, write some subject and some message text. Send a message.
  4. Go to Gmail and pay attention to the subject of the message - there is no space, to the message - there is no line break.

I propose a small patch to solve the problem.

Before / After Patch


Joomla 3.9.16
PHP 7.3.2

Documentation Changes Required

Not necessary.

avatar Kostelano Kostelano - open - 8 Apr 2020
avatar Kostelano Kostelano - change - 8 Apr 2020
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 8 Apr 2020
Category Administration com_users
avatar Kostelano Kostelano - change - 8 Apr 2020
Labels Added: ?
avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 8 Apr 2020

Joomla doesn't add normally any white spaces to prefixes or suffixes.

avatar Kostelano
Kostelano - comment - 8 Apr 2020

Maybe. But why each time in the subject line of the message to put a space manually so that there is no "gluing" in the mail message? If we use a prefix in the settings.

The same goes for message signatures.

avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 8 Apr 2020

Normally you add the space to the prefix/suffix , I never used it so I don't know if it is possible. The reason is you can always add a space but can't remove the hardcoded one.

avatar Kostelano
Kostelano - comment - 8 Apr 2020

Perhaps I will agree with you on the spaces in the subject line. I checked - both options work:

  • if we add a space in the settings AFTER the prefix,
  • if we add a space BEFORE the subject of the message when sending the message.

And in the signature in the settings, too, omit the line? Decision :).

avatar HLeithner
HLeithner - comment - 9 Apr 2020

If both work we don't need this pr because you can do it in the settings.

Only thing is that it seams joomla removes the one blank line on saving the settings, adding 3 would add 2 blank lines to the email suffix.

avatar Kostelano
Kostelano - comment - 9 Apr 2020

Ok, thanks for this info, closed.

avatar Kostelano Kostelano - change - 9 Apr 2020
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2020-04-09 10:11:43
Closed_By Kostelano
avatar Kostelano Kostelano - close - 9 Apr 2020

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