? Success

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avatar WooDzu
17 Dec 2013

One case is creating a custom installer extending class InstallationApplicationWeb.

The issue here is the the constructor by default is completely locked down.

It is impossible to instantialize the InstallationApplicationWeb class with customer parameters, for example to setup a custom session handler which is hardcoded later to use Joomla "none" handler using files.

I'd like to open the class by either removing the final keywork or allowing parameters in the constructor, or even both.

This would enable one to use different session handlers for installation like memcached on Google Apple Cloud since.

Tracker Item: http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemBrowse&tracker_id=8103

avatar WooDzu WooDzu - open - 17 Dec 2013
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 21 Aug 2014
Status New Pending
avatar nicksavov nicksavov - change - 21 Aug 2014
avatar nicksavov nicksavov - change - 21 Aug 2014
Labels Removed: ?
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 21 Sep 2014
Category Installation Libraries
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 4 May 2015

@mbabker You have been reworking the installer. What do you think of this?

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 4 May 2015

I haven't touched the install app :wink:

So I'm mixed on this. We usually exempt the install app from B/C rules because of its "one and done" nature, so extending devs would need to accept higher probability of breaks or we'd have to lock down the B/C rules here. On the other hand, allowing the app to be extended could enable devs and those managing third party install services to hook into our architecture for custom install routines.

You could argue either way on this one. As long as the result is consistent I'd say it's fine either way. I'd just suggest having the full constructor here and not a partial one (so add the web client object even though I doubt that would ever be extended or modified).

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 5 May 2015

@WooDzu Could you provide test instructions for this change? Please also have a look at Michael's suggestion for adding the web client object. Thank you.

avatar wilsonge
wilsonge - comment - 31 May 2015

I'm not against opening the final class like this - but we should make clear with an @api tag that the installation application is not subject to b/c like the rest of the CMS (as per our general policy with the installer for J)

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 9 Jun 2015

@wilsonge This PR hasn't seen an update in quite some time and is old. I am going to close this PR, if you feel like this should be pursued further, feel free to re-open the PR. Thank you for your contribution.

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 9 Jun 2015
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2015-06-09 18:28:21
Closed_By roland-d
avatar roland-d roland-d - close - 9 Jun 2015

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