added missing dependency popper (although we don't really need it, it's already in the dist folder of BS4)
Removed a warning for not setting the source for the maps in postCss
Renamed argument --update to --copy-assets to better reflect the task
Updated some dev dependencies to eliminate critical warnings
updated the available arguments:
* Command line helper
* To get the complete functional media folder please run
* npm install
* For dedicated tasks, please run:
* node build.js --installer === will create the error page (for unsupported PHP version)
* node build.js --copy-assets === will clean the media/vendor folder and then will populate the folder from node_modules
* node build.js --compile-js === will transpile ES6 files and also uglify the ES6,ES5 files
* node build.js --compile-ce === will compile all the given CE or WC with their relative css files
* node build.js --compile-css === will compile all the scss defined files and also create a minified version of the css
Testing Instructions
All the npm related cli commands still execute the correct tasks
Why is popper.js a dependency?