User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
First set of patches to assist RDBMS portability as previously discussed on the general development list. This covers the following:
These changes are organised by front/admin then by component/module/plugin but squashed into single commits with respect to the categories of changes listed above. Given that none of the categories of changes are intended to alter any functional features, I hope that this is suitably divided and correct granularity for manual testing.
If preferred the commits are available unsquashed on separate branches under wdaniels/joomla-cms as indicated by the [branch-name] prefixes of the squashed commits messages where merged into this (sql92) branch.
These patches are relatively trivial and I do not believe to be contentious. Further patch sets I intend to raise for discussion on joomla platform/cms lists as appropriate.
NB: There remains RDBMS portability issues with the use of MySQL DATE_FORMAT function in mod_relateditems and mod_weblinks which require some further investigation. Also issues remain with quoting for the LIKE conditions in mod_relateditems. No doubt other issues also remain; this patch set is not intended to be exhaustive, even with respect to the identified issues.
[JoomlaCode #28391]
This is so good but it would really be easier to get it in if we separated it out into components and modules. Otherwise the testing is too much for one person to do it all.
Thanks for coding this, Will!
While we’re transitioning to a new integrated tracker, could you report the issue on our current main tracker at JoomlaCode and cross-reference each with a link to the other? Here’s the process for reporting on the other tracker:
Alternatively, let me know if you’d like me to create it for you and I can go ahead and do that.
Thanks in advance and thanks again for coding this, Will!
Looks like the tracker item is at
Thanks Will!
I'm closing this as it's not mergeable and 1 year old. Feel free to open if you update it and are still interested in get it merged.
Thanks for contributing.
cool, thanks!