avatar brianteeman
8 Jul 2017

I have meant to submit this for ages sorry for the delay but i rarely install joomla in anything other than english

When i install joomla it uses my browser language to decide what language the installer will be displayed in. So if I am using a spanish language browser then the Joomla installation will be spanish.

That's awesome and something almost unique to joomla

So why oh why oh why is the version of joomla that's installed then in English and I have to go through an extra step to install the Spanish language and then another step to configure it as my default language (and possibly disable English as I only speak english).

Surely if I install Joomla using the spanish language then the spanish language will be installed and enabled

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - open - 8 Jul 2017
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avatar franz-wohlkoenig franz-wohlkoenig - change - 8 Jul 2017
Category com_installer
avatar ot2sen
ot2sen - comment - 20 Jul 2017

It would be a logic next step to do now for improving the first time user experience for all the non-English speaking users.

Why it is so goes back to when everything was manually installed, like languages packs. Also been a matter of keeping size down for the core distribution then by not adding 70 packs and related data by default.

Today you could fetch the users language on the fly and would also have to add localised core data and demo data during that process. Would require a little more work for the translation teams.

Until now this have been solved by so called unofficial distributions by some translation teams but it would be nice to have joomla speak all supported languages natively from the very first step.

avatar szoupi
szoupi - comment - 20 Jul 2017

No matter the frontend lang, backend is always in English for me. 50% of my installations are not my native lang. I think installation process should be simple and clever enough to suggest and allow lang customization for both front/back end

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2017

@szoupi so would you like Joomla to automatically install the language used during the installation AND english (note we need to always install english anyway as it is the fallback language if a string is not available in the alternative language)

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 20 Jul 2017

As it is now, one can choose to install in her/his language and then install other languages than en-GB (including the language chosen for the UI at installation time) and choose front and backend default languages.
Yep, would be great to be proposed to install the same language used at install time, in a new page just after choosing the sampledata or automatically at that time.
As for customized sample data, it is another matter as it is much more complex for TTs.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2017

My thoughts would be either

a) if the installer is in greek then the greek language is automatically installed (with english) without any user input and then you can optionally install more languages as you do now


b) if the installer is in greek then the greek language is suggested (preselected) at the top of the page where you install additional languages

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 20 Jul 2017

The one thing we can't do right now is propose sample data in a given language without a lot of extra effort. I don't see though why we couldn't add another step to the install process (the point where we are actually doing the install, i.e. seeding the database, writing config, etc.) where if the installer is not using en-GB we automatically download, install, and set the used language as the default for the new site (and that's something we could put into 3.8 if a PR is proposed and tested before July 28). We might also want to put a toggle for that behavior at the last step of the installer (same screen as sample data) so someone could opt in/out of it (i.e. I don't think I'd want that behavior in my main git clone of the repo that I contribute from to always install the en-US pack).

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2017

If I knew how to wrote that code then I would ;)

Good point about en-US - a bit of an edge case issue but a valid one as thats an odd language

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 20 Jul 2017

We might also want to put a toggle for that behavior at the last step of the installer


avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 20 Jul 2017

Good point about en-US - a bit of an edge case issue but a valid one as thats an odd language

Same logic applies for JM and the French language or anyone else, that was just the one applicable to me personally.

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 20 Jul 2017

For any one wanting to make such a patch, do not forget that custom distros contain en-GB + their own language.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2017

If custom distros need to be changed then they will need to be changed

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 20 Jul 2017

No need... The patch should just check which languages are included in the custom distros before re-installing those that are already present.

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 20 Jul 2017

If I knew how to wrote that code then I would ;)

Well, for anyone interested, to sum it up:

avatar dgt41
dgt41 - comment - 20 Jul 2017

@brianteeman are you proposing this for J3 or J4?

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 20 Jul 2017

are you proposing this for J3 or J4?

Why not both?

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Jul 2017

As J3 has over 2 years life then ideally for both

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 20 Jul 2017

We already have the code to handle installing languages, that's the most complex part of this. The two other pieces I noted are really to trigger that code, and that's fairly simple in comparison.

avatar dgt41
dgt41 - comment - 20 Jul 2017

@mbabker since the installer is not tight to any b/c why not backporting the code from the J4 (with the markup/css converts back to bs2)?
Less code is always better from a maintenance point of view, I think, also the changes are not dramatic php wise

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 20 Jul 2017

The changes I've made were tied to us bumping the PHP version and the new format aware error handler. And I haven't seen your work yet so don't know what that entails, but I wouldn't be opposed to looking at it at least.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig franz-wohlkoenig - change - 25 Jul 2017
Status New Discussion
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - edited - 2 Oct 2017
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 2 Oct 2017
Joomla non english installation
RFC Joomla non english installation
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 3 Apr 2018
Status Discussion Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2018-04-03 18:52:55
Closed_By brianteeman
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avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 8 Apr 2018
Status Closed New
Closed_Date 2018-04-03 18:52:55
Closed_By brianteeman
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Status Discussion Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2018-11-08 13:50:51
Closed_By brianteeman
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