Install staging or nightly build.
Install the French language.
Set French as back-end language.
Create an article which title contains some Greek and Cyrillic letters, leave the alias field alone.
Choose the characters among those which are transliterated by the French custom transliterate method, i.e.
public static function transliterate($string)
$str = JString::strtolower($string);
// Specific language transliteration.
// This one is for latin 1, latin supplement , extended A, Cyrillic, Greek
$glyph_array = array(
'a' => 'a,à,á,â,ã,ä,å,ā,ă,ą,ḁ,α,ά',
'ae' => 'æ',
'b' => 'β,б',
'c' => 'c,ç,ć,ĉ,ċ,č,ћ,ц',
'ch' => 'ч',
'd' => 'ď,đ,Ð,д,ђ,δ,ð',
'dz' => 'џ',
'e' => 'e,è,é,ê,ë,ē,ĕ,ė,ę,ě,э,ε,έ',
'f' => 'ƒ,ф',
'g' => 'ğ,ĝ,ğ,ġ,ģ,г,γ',
'h' => 'ĥ,ħ,Ħ,х',
'i' => 'i,ì,í,î,ï,ı,ĩ,ī,ĭ,į,и,й,ъ,ы,ь,η,ή',
'ij' => 'ij',
'j' => 'ĵ,j',
'ja' => 'я',
'ju' => 'яю',
'k' => 'ķ,ĸ,κ',
'l' => 'ĺ,ļ,ľ,ŀ,ł,л,λ',
'lj' => 'љ',
'm' => 'μ,м',
'n' => 'ñ,ņ,ň,ʼn,ŋ,н,ν',
'nj' => 'њ',
'o' => 'ò,ó,ô,õ,ø,ō,ŏ,ő,ο,ό,ω,ώ',
'oe' => 'œ,ö',
'p' => 'п,π',
'ph' => 'φ',
'ps' => 'ψ',
'r' => 'ŕ,ŗ,ř,р,ρ,σ,ς',
's' => 'ş,ś,ŝ,ş,š,с',
'ss' => 'ß,ſ',
'sh' => 'ш',
'shch' => 'щ',
't' => 'ţ,ť,ŧ,τ,т',
'th' => 'θ',
'u' => 'u,ù,ú,û,ü,ũ,ū,ŭ,ů,ű,ų,у',
'v' => 'в',
'w' => 'ŵ',
'x' => 'χ,ξ',
'y' => 'ý,þ,ÿ,ŷ',
'ya' => 'я',
'z' => 'ź,ż,ž,з,ж,ζ'
foreach($glyph_array as $letter => $glyphs)
$glyphs = explode(',', $glyphs);
$str = str_replace($glyphs, $letter, $str);
return $str;
For example test with æβģя
which contains a Greek letter (β) and a Cyrillic one (я)
Save the article. The alias field contains, righfully aebgja
Now, empty the alias field and test again.
You will get ae-g
which corresponds to the Core default transliteration (Core only take care of latin characters)
Now, change the title, empty the alias field and use ONLY Cyrillic or Greek characters for the title (still from the list above), for example: Ολοκλήρωση
You should get oloklirori
but you get a date 2017-06-25-14-58-03
Labels |
Category | ⇒ | com_content com_languages |
Status | New | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-06-25 16:29:28 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | infograf768 |
IT looks that this can be solved when modifying by setting the item language to the language which contains the correct transliterate method, in this case French.