User tests: Successful: 2 bayareajenn, jim-porter Unsuccessful: 0
Pull Request for Issue #12687 and #16612 .
This adjusts the ContentRouter so it only takes the "Create Article" menuitem for new articles, not when editing an existing article. I adjusted the Viewconfiguration for that and added &a_id=0
to the URL for the view in the controller.
Please note that most of the change are only within com_content, but there is one change in the menu rule which may affect other extensions. But only if they use those new JComponentRouterView stuff and I think the change should be fine. If you come into that part of the code and don't have a key set in the menuitem, it will not be stored into the needles array and never be used for the URL. So that looked wrong anyway.
Any edit links use the "Create Article" menuitem
Don't think there is any doc at all for this router stuff.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Front End com_content Libraries |
hi jenn,
They need at least 2 successfull tests to be evaluated as ReadyToCommit and then is up to maintainers to commit / and decide milestone.
so please mark your successfull test on so you'll need to find just another 1 to test
I just tested this on a client dev site that had the exact problem described. The new files work perfectly and resolve the issue.
I just tested this on a client dev site that had the exact problem described. The new files work perfectly and resolve the issue.
I have tested this item
I just tested this on a client dev site that had the exact problem described. The new files work perfectly and resolve the issue. I get a little confused in here but all good, right?!
Hi Nicola,
Thank you! You're so great walking me through these things. :) :) I can't wait to see you in November!
I was having this problem with a production site and tested this solution. It successfully resolved the problem. Jenn thanks for letting me know about this solution.
@jim-porter at the top of login and mark that you've tested successfully. Can you see where it has Successful: 1 bayareajenn at the top of the page? We need you to say you tested successfully too! Thank you for testing this Jim!
I have tested this item
I had this problem with a production site and tested this solution. The test was successful and fully resolved the problem.
@Bakual is it to late to get this issue in with 3.7.3?
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
RTC after two successful tests.
@bayareajenn hopefully @rdeutz as Release Leader can make this Decision (but yesterday "Release Candidate 1" was going out).
@franz-wohlkoenig I know. I saw the announcement earlier. I tried to get more testers yesterday but it didn't work out. We'll see what @rdeutz says and if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. Thanks!
This patch is real great!
Was not in time for the RC release, I will do my own test and then decide if I merge it into 3.7.3.
Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-06-23 19:56:00 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | rdeutz | |
Labels |
I was also having the same issue in Article Editing, switching category. I askedo here proposed and it worked!
Unfortunately this broke my 'Add article' menu link. The &a_id=0 caused a redirect to the non-SEF url of the current page. Very strange. Commenting out the
fixed the issue. I don't have any Edit menu links on my sites, so I think I should be ok.
Registered for the joomlacode bug reporting and awaiting approval in order to report.
Registered for the joomlacode bug reporting and awaiting approval in order to report.
JoomlaCode is not used for bug reports anymore (and hasn't been for years). Filing issues here on GitHub (or which is just a wrapper for GitHub mainly) is the way to do it.
I just tested this on a client dev site that had the exact problem described. The new files work perfectly and resolve the issue. How many more people do you need to test (or sites) before it can be included with the next release? Let me know and I'll try to find people.