User tests: Successful: 0 Unsuccessful: 0
Correct some typos
Correct some paths
Remove chosen from the list
Add dragula to the list
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Repository |
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Fixed in Code Base |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2017-04-24 11:03:21 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | wilsonge | |
Labels |
Incomplete but ok
what was incomplete? what did I miss
Note if you are referring to the list of extensions that are installed then I was thinking that it was best not to list them in the readme anyway as it will be hard to keep uptodate
Some are missing still. If you think it would be best to remove them from the readme
, I'm fine with that. If you want to submit a PR, go for it, else I can do so :)
I took the list from /dev/assets/packages.json
This file gets automatically updated when you run grunt
, so you're probably on a older version. Have a look in root/media/vendor
or grunt_settings.yaml
for a list of all packages
packages.json is certainly out of date compared to grunt_settings.yaml
which suggest to me that this line in the readme is incorrect
grunt shell:update
.................will update all the npm packages to the version defined in /dev/assets/package.json
Even more reason not to include the list of extensions in the readme but it would be good to replace it with the definitive place to find the list which right now I am not sure what that is
No, it's not incorrect. The way it works is:
The reason why there's an old package.json there is cause it must have been committed ages ago. It the only file in the dev/assets
directory on the Github repo. Not sure how Github plays with empty directories to be honest.
Not sure how Github plays with empty directories to be honest.
It is going to be removed ;) This is the reason for the index.html files in some folders that are expected to be empty
It is going to be removed
If I remember well it will be recreated by the script, so np
cool, so just remove the package.json
and add an index.html
cool, so just remove the package.json and add an index.html
Sounds like a plan