User tests: Successful: Unsuccessful:
The Button - Module editor-xtd should only display when Content - Load Modules is enabled.
The Button - Fields editors-xtd should only display when both the Content - Fields and System - Fields are enabled.
Otherwise the tags entered with these buttons will show as tags {whatever}
as they will not be able to display what they should.
Test instructions
Use TinyMCE and edit an article.
Patch and test disabling the said plugins. The buttons will not display anymore.
Status | New | ⇒ | Pending |
Category | ⇒ | Front End Plugins |
Travis throws errors not related to this PR
Labels |
Please test again as I simplified code.
I'm not sure if it's such a good idea. @mbabker made a good argument against this as currently you can exchange the content plugin (or in theory also the editor one) with a different one working from the same tags. That would be perfectly fine. However with this PR it would make the button unuseable even if it would work fine.
And of course if you disable one of the plugins after the tag is already inserted, you still get the plugintags in frontend. So it only prevents from adding new ones using the modal.
I have tested this item
Same reply I did to @mbabker
In that case they should imho also fork the existing xtd-button, content plugin, etc.
Displaying the module and fields button when the only things they will show when rendered would be {whatever} is worse.
And yes, one could unpublish the plugins and also can commit seppukku with a dull blade...
Its about User: What would they expect? Guess clicking on a Button make something.
I have tested this item
Patch ok for me
Do I remember right, I think we had a time as a disabled content plugin at least removed the tag from the content?
Do I remember right, I think we had a time as a disabled content plugin at least removed the tag from the content?
I wouldn't know how that would be possible. To my knowledge, the plugin methods don't get triggered when it is disabled. Thus there is no way to replace the tags.
I checked it it was Joomla! 1.5 :-)
You're to old
Status | Pending | ⇒ | Ready to Commit |
Because @jeckodevelopment set it to RTC I made up my mind. I don't think it is the right way to do it. Of course it will solve the problem for now, but we need something to allow a button to find out if it makes sense to display it. Just as an idea, the editor plugin fires an event "shouldIDisplayed" and if nobody answered with yes (baby) it shouldn't be displayed.
Status | Ready to Commit | ⇒ | Needs Review |
removing RTC and set to need review
@infograf768 as #18345 get merged it makes sense to be consistent and do the same for modules.
Could you please fix the merge conflict?
There is some opposition to this PR by @rdeutz
For fields I was adding here
if (!JPluginHelper::isEnabled('content', 'fields') || !JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'fields'))
and for module
if (!JPluginHelper::isEnabled('content', 'loadmodule'))
In #18345
I was only dealing with the component itself
if (!JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_fields'))
Not sure what to do...
If you decide that these are necessary anyway, corrected the conflict.
@HLeithner merge conflicts resolved.
I'm not in favor to break a 3rd party plugin in a bugfix release I would suggest to move this PR to J4.
Sorry for the late decision JM. I'm closing this and hope you create a new one for J4.
Status | Needs Review | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2019-07-24 08:45:14 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | HLeithner |
I have tested this item✅ successfully on d6a446f
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