vanilla staging
commit: d151ef4
Date: Tue Jan 24 09:18:20 2017 +0100
FYI: I have Akeeba installed.
Setup a User Group called "Employee" that inherits from "Registered". Create sub-groups of Employee as '<>-Author', '<>-Editor', '<>-Publisher' (A/E/P).
Setup an Access Level 'Employee' that allows all the User Group 'Employee'.
I don't think all of this is relevant to the problem, but just to be sure.
Create a Category "Employee", set access to 'Employee' and set permissions to allow Employee A/E/P in the normal way.
Create an article called "Employee Article" attempt to select the "Employee" category. It will not be visible in the drop-down list. Type "Employee" into the search field and press enter. The text "Employee" will appear in the drop-down. Save your aticle and you will see, on the Article list, that the Category of the article is blank. Edit your article and the category will be "- Uncategorised", and the drop-down does not have the "Employee" entry in it.
In addition, the menu item that displays articles for a category (Categoty List) does not display any articles.
An Akeeba backup can be downloaded from my website. All passwords are test
. I have done considerably more configuration steps than described above.
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@infograf768 : Thanks for looking at this. It appears that I should have mentioned that I had this problem while setting up the articles in the backend whilst logged in as the Super User.
Category | ⇒ | com_categories |
@Napoleon-BlownApart can you please confirm this issue on latest Staging?
Status | New | ⇒ | Information Required |
@franz-wohlkoenig sorry I didn't see this until today. I will check with the latest Staging branch if this still occurs.
I downloaded the staging branch zip file today from: Unfortunately, nothing has changed.
Having created the Employee group hierarchy, the Employee View Access Level and an Employee category, article creation is still now working as required. When the employee article is created, the 'Employee' category does not appear in the Category drop-down list and needs to be typed in. If Access is left as Public (which is incorrect), the employee article has an empty category in the Articles list after the article is saved (as per the image below).
If the Access for the article is set to Employee, then the displayed category on the Articles list is 'Uncategorised' (as per the image below).
Article creation with 'Employee' typed into the category seach box:
Yes, the newly typed category shows in the drop-down list:
But returning to edit the same article shows the article in the uncategorised category:
And the category does not appear in the drop-down list:
Creation of the Category List menu item:
But, for a logged in employee user, the category shows an empty listing:
Status | Information Required | ⇒ | Needs Review |
@Napoleon-BlownApart thanks for info, set Status on "Needs Review" on Issue Tracker.
@Napoleon-BlownApart I am unable to reproduce with your backup that was upgraded to v3.8.3. Is this still an issue?
Status | Needs Review | ⇒ | Information Required |
Status | Information Required | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2018-01-25 00:03:33 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | Quy |
Closed_By | Quy | ⇒ | joomla-cms-bot |
Closing for now since no response from OP and not reproducible.
Set to "closed" on behalf of @Quy by The JTracker Application at
I do not confirm this when all permissions are set correctly for a user belonging to, for example, Employee->Author group, logged in frontend and creating an article through a Create article menu with access set to Employee.