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avatar roland-d
11 Sep 2016

Shareable draft content

This pull request adds a new feature called shareable draft content to Joomla. The goal
of this feature is to provide the functionality of generating links that can be shared
so users with this link can preview articles that have not yet been published.


The shareable links are implemented in several views of the content area:

  • Articles list
  • Article editing in the back-end
  • Shared drafts view
  • Article editing in the front-end

Articles list

The articles list has a new button called Share draft. This button generates one link per selected article.

Article editing in the back-end

The article editing page has a new button called Share draft. This button generates a link for the current article and
shows the generated link on the screen.

Shared drafts view

The shared drafts list lists all the created shared links. Here the shared links can be managed. The article titles link
to the article editing page if the user has permission to edit the given article.

Article editing in the front-end

The article editing page has a new button called Share draft. This button generates a link for the current article and
shows the generated link on the screen.

Link generation

When a link is generated for the first time, a 16-character token will be created for that specific article. This token
is unique for each article and allows the user with the URL and token to access an unpublished article.

A token cannot be directly regenerated for an article as an existing token will always be returned. To create a new
token, the existing shared link needs to be deleted first from the Shared Drafts view.

Regular URL

By default a regular URL will be created.

SEF and Redirect Manager enabled

In case both SEF and the Redirect Manager are enabled, a SEF URL will be created so an easier to read URL can be used. The
link is generated based on the alias of the article. Once a SEF URL is generated, this will be added to the Redirect
Manager table so it can be used to redirect the user to the correct article.

Test instructions

The following instructions are based on regular URLs, make sure SEF is turned off.

Test single article link creation in back-end

  1. Apply patch
  2. Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Database
  3. Click Fix (this is to create the database table)
  4. Go to Content -> Articles
  5. Create a new article
  6. Notice there is no share draft button
  7. Add a title and some content
  8. Make sure the article is unpublished
  9. Save the article
  10. Notice there is a share draft button
  11. Click on the Share draft button
  12. A green box appears with the shareable link
  13. Open the link and check that you can view the article
  14. Close the article

Test multiple articles link creation

  1. Select one or more articles
  2. Click on the Share draft button
  3. Notice there is a message saying that x links have been generated
  4. Go to the Shared Drafts view en check that the articles and links are there

Check deletion of shareable links

  1. Go to the Shared Drafts view
  2. Select one or more links
  3. Click the Delete button
  4. Notice the message that one or more drafts have been deleted

Test single article link creation in front-end

  1. Login to the front-end
  2. Create a new article
  3. Notice there is no share draft button
  4. Login to the front-end
  5. Edit an existing article
  6. Notice there is a share draft button
  7. Click on the Share draft button
  8. A green box appears with the shareable link
  9. Open the link and check that you can view the article
  10. Close the article


  1. Login to the back-end
  2. Go to System -> Global Configuration
  3. Enable SEF URLs
  4. Go to Components -> Redirects
  5. Make sure that the Redirects plugin is enabled
  6. Repeat the tests above and check that the generated URL is a SEF URL

Finally tagging @puneet0191 @chrisdavenport


# of Users Experiencing Issue
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avatar roland-d roland-d - open - 11 Sep 2016
avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 11 Sep 2016
Status New Pending
avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 11 Sep 2016
Milestone Added:
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 11 Sep 2016
Labels Added: ? ? ?
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Category SQL Administration Components Postgresql MS SQL Language & Strings Modules Front End Installation JavaScript
avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

There needs to be a Javascript warning when you select the Share Draft button from the article manager view when you have not selected any articles - that would be more consistent with all the other toolbar items than displaying a message
0 draft links saved successfully

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

The token is not secure there is NO validation to check that the token is valid for that article ANY token that exists will work - this is a big red flag

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

The shareable draft link still works even if the article has been trashed

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

Broken records when you delete (and empty from the trash) an article that had a shared draft link.

Expected behaviour

the link will be removed from the shared draft list

Actual behaviour

only the name of the article is removed


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

Final comments
1. is there any point in generating a link when the item is published
2. I thought the whole point of this was to be able to view and share a preview of the content item on the front end but this doesn't really do that as it will only ever generate a preview using the default template and the modules set to be published on all pages

avatar Bakual
Bakual - comment - 11 Sep 2016

I don't really get the point of this feature.
My understanding is that this generated preview link would only be shared with a few other users. But if it is only a few users, why not use the existing ACL and create a special access level (eg "preview") and put those few users in a usergroup which is allowed to see that access level?
Would achieve the same without needing any code at all, and especially without introducing potential security issues because we bypass the ACL rules.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 11 Sep 2016

@mbabker Thank you for your feedback.
@brianteeman The check if something is selected on the articles list has been fixed.

there is NO validation to check that the token is valid for that article

Good point, that is fixed.

The shareable draft link still works even if the article has been trashed

A yes, I will look into that. The same goes for deleting an article.

is there any point in generating a link when the item is published

There is no use for generating a link for a published item.

I thought the whole point of this was to be able to view and share a preview of the content item on the front end but this doesn't really do that as it will only ever generate a preview using the default template and the modules set to be published on all pages

I am not sure I get what you are saying. You can view the content item on the front-end as if it were published. So you get to see how it looks like once it is published. Although in most cases I guess it is more about the content of the item itself than how it looks like. Can you explain the question a bit further?


I don't really get the point of this feature.

You could have told us this GSOC project is useless before GSOC.

My understanding is that this generated preview link would only be shared with a few other users.

Not completely, it would be shared with a few other people. These people don't necessarily have to be users.

But if it is only a few users, why not use the existing ACL

Because they are not users.

Would achieve the same without needing any code at all

It's quite cumbersome and doesn't work for those people who are not users.

and especially without introducing potential security issues because we bypass the ACL rules.

Can you elaborate which security issues are being introduced?

@andrepereiradasilva Thanks, I fixed the name.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

I am not sure I get what you are saying. You can view the content item on the front-end as if it were published. So you get to see how it looks like once it is published. Although in most cases I guess it is more about the content of the item itself than how it looks like. Can you explain the question a bit further?

My point was that the preview is only with the default template and any modules set to be displayed on all pages. So for example if your site is setup with templateA as the default and templateB for the content pages the preview will be with templateA. Another example would be that if all your content pages have modules in the left and right columns but they are not for ALL pages then your preview would be full width and not with any left and right columns.

At the end of the day I guess it depends on what the aims of the PR is. If it is to show just the content item to someone who doesnt have access for them to approve then it is ok. But if it is to show a real preview of how that content will be displayed then it probably doesnt achieve that.

I hope that explains it better

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

Can you elaborate which security issues are being introduced?

That was the token checking issue I believe

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

I can confirm that the token is now checked

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 11 Sep 2016

Further to my comment about the generated link and templates and modules. I guess the same (and bigger) problem is that the link takes no account of the language of the content either.

I can see how in its current method/workflow it might be useful for some people but as it is I dont see it as something suitable for the core.

avatar Bakual
Bakual - comment - 12 Sep 2016


You could have told us this GSOC project is useless before GSOC.

I could have, if I knew about that project, which I didn't.

Can you elaborate which security issues are being introduced?

You are creating access to articles using a simple token. That by itself is a security issue already. Tokens can be bruteforced. Of course it depends on length how long it takes, but it is possible and there is nothing preventing it (like invalidating a token on a failed request).

On a more basic level you are bypassing the whole ACL layer with that token. No matter what we set in the ACL, if that token exists and is known (either through bruteforcing or being shared/leaked), access is given.

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 12 Sep 2016

I do confirm that, when using multilanguage, this feature is totally broken.

avatar javigomez
javigomez - comment - 13 Sep 2016

I personally think that is a nice feature. The security issue may come if "disclosing the information of an article before being published can be a issue", but in many sites that I know made in Joomla the information is not that important to worth creating a ACL "Preview" special access level and having to tell the user to register. I think is just one more feature for the Joomla admins to use at their own discretion, this feature exists in other known applications like google docs using tokens.

Still I understand the concerns of bypassing the ACL, there may be a way to creative ways to solve it. I can't think now on any.

avatar jeckodevelopment
jeckodevelopment - comment - 14 Sep 2016

Just for your information, there's a vote about this PR within Production Leadership Team.
I'll update this topic as soon as I'll have the result of the vote.

Thank you all for your contribution.

avatar JoshuaLewis
JoshuaLewis - comment - 4 Oct 2016

@jeckodevelopment So what's the vote from the Production Leadership Team regarding this PR? I'm willing to test this, but first would like to hear about if this is something that can be added into Joomla.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/12009.

avatar jeckodevelopment
jeckodevelopment - comment - 4 Oct 2016

Hello @JoshuaLewis , voting process has not been completed since PLT started a discussion and review of this PR. I'll share the updates as soon as possible. Thank you for the reminder.

avatar rdeutz rdeutz - change - 25 Oct 2016
Milestone Removed:
avatar rdeutz rdeutz - change - 25 Oct 2016
Labels Removed: ?
avatar jeckodevelopment
jeckodevelopment - comment - 6 Nov 2016

FYI: Motion passed.

@roland-d would you please fix conflicts so we can test again this PR and then merge it for 3.7


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 6 Nov 2016

It is no where near ready for merging. There is no support for multilanguage and / or the acl

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 6 Nov 2016

@brianteeman I will look at the multi-lingual issue first. As for the ACL, please explain how you think this should work. Keep in mind that the idea is that anybody with the proper link can access the article.

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

I dont see why -again- we are creating new db tables when the existing content tables could be modified to hold the sharetoken

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

While I believe the overall concept is "ok" the currently used implementation is fundamentally flawed, I have the following comments too...

Why is the token only 16 chars?

I dont see why -again- we are creating new db tables when the existing content tables could be modified to hold the sharetoken

There is nothing stopping bots from indexing this content...

There is no expiration or time limit on a token being used....

Why are we sharing by only a token for anonymous access, why can we not restrict this further to a "user group membership & token" or even do away from using a token and allow users to see shareable content by membership of a group - therefore reusing the existing ACL in Joomla (totally more secure!)?

Use of the redirects table as well, what happens if a shareable url is deleted, yet the redirect remains?

I don't understand why all this is a separate extension/feature when it could be implemented as just another "state" in the array published, unpublished, trashed, etc... and then locked down by ACL group membership, this way when the content is loaded on the frontend you would also get to see it "in context" with the correct url and modules and templates etc... Its menu items could also then be shared and seen in context.

If you really need shareable "CONTENT" accessed by JUST a sharetoken then it should be a blank page EXCEPT for the content, with minimal styling, to show the person using the token the CONTENT and nothing more, no context etc...

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

Testing instructions only give

"The following instructions are based on regular URLs, make sure SEF is turned off."


"Enable SEF URLs & Redirects plugin is enabled"

What happens if SEF URLs are enabled & Redirects is DISABLED???

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

If my token is


but in the url I use something like


(which is some single and double quotes) then the shared content STILL LOADS ... this just seems plain wrong, I know that the value is filtered, but surely it should first be validated then filtered, then validated again ? I think though this is a bigger Joomla issue not just with this new stuff.

It just doesnt seem right that I can provide a string that is not being equated like !== and still gain access to content.

2aCXKfntOMP7AAV2 !== 2aCXKfntO%27"%27"%27"%27"MP7AAV2

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 6 Nov 2016

Given that I have not looked at this in months, I don't have an answer for every question at this point.

@zero-24 Thanks for the feedback, will process it.

Why is the token only 16 chars?

Should it be 160? 1600? There is no science behind this, just that 16 seemed good enough. If you tell me how it should be, I can update the code.

I dont see why -again- we are creating new db tables when the existing content tables could be modified to hold the sharetoken

The reason for this was that in the original proposal there was more data stored in this table, like the number of views, a title for the share and when it was shared. Agree, we can add those 2 columns for the token and share date to the main content table.

There is nothing stopping bots from indexing this content...

How would that happen? They generate the tokens?

There is no expiration or time limit on a token being used....

Indeed, was not part of the original proposal either.

or even do away from using a token and allow users to see shareable content by membership of a group
. and then locked down by ACL group membership

This way you can only let people with an account on the site view the content. How would you deal with people that don't have an account?

If you really need shareable "CONTENT" accessed by JUST a sharetoken then it should be a blank page EXCEPT for the content, with minimal styling, to show the person using the token the CONTENT and nothing more, no context etc...

What is wrong with showing content?

What happens if SEF URLs are enabled & Redirects is DISABLED???

Did you try? I have no clue :)

It just doesnt seem right that I can provide a string that is not being equated like !== and still gain access to content.

We can do a second check on the content after it has been retrieved from the database. I have no problems with that.

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

This way you can only let people with an account on the site view the content. How would you deal with people that don't have an account?

It doesnt seem unreasonable that if you want to view my unpublished content, that you should have an account by which I can assign ACL to for you to access the content - draft or published...

Like I said before, I think the whole, allow unauthenticated, unregistered users complete unlogged access to a private resource by accessing a url a flawed design.

If Joomla allowed anyone to access content with nothing but a url - this would be considered a serious security issue. I dont see the difference if the url is provided by the admin or guessed by a hacker.

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

There is nothing stopping bots from indexing this content...

How would that happen? They generate the tokens?

It happens that there is a lot of stuff in google that comes from unknown sources - even browser extensions would have access to these urls, Ive seen that before...

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 6 Nov 2016

If Joomla allowed anyone to access content with nothing but a url

That is how visitors access my site, they don't need to login to see the content.

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

@roland-d if you are going to quote me out of context then I'll leave.

Maybe I should have said:

If Joomla allowed anyone to access UNPUBLISHED content with nothing but a url - this would be considered a serious security issue. I dont see the difference if the url is provided by the admin or guessed by a hacker.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 6 Nov 2016

There is no use in continuing this PR unless we decide whether or not we allow unregistered users to see content via a link.

If you need to be registered, the whole sharelink is obsolete, as you pointed out, we can then use the ACL we have.

@chrisdavenport What is your input on this?

avatar mbabker
mbabker - comment - 6 Nov 2016

My two cents...

There are use cases where this type of workflow is indeed valid. So conceptually it's not a terrible idea. Whether the implementation is up-to-par is up to others who've spent time with this code to decide, I've just been doing drive-by looks.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 6 Nov 2016

Is it possible with the sharing content to share something that is member
only. The site i am building right now could use a sharing function for
approval but the live content would be set to be member only. So it would
be a massive issue for this site if the url was leaked and it could only be
shared if it was set to ar a minimum the acl of the live site.

On 6 Nov 2016 5:58 p.m., "Michael Babker" notifications@github.com wrote:

My two cents...

There are use cases where this type of workflow is indeed valid. So
conceptually it's not a terrible idea. Whether the implementation is
up-to-par is up to others who've spent time with this code to decide, I've
just been doing drive-by looks.

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avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 6 Nov 2016

There is no way to globally enable/disable this feature.

At the moment the only way to disable access to existing links is to delete them from shareddrafts view... there is no global way to deny access to all those links

There is no logging on when those links are accessed

There is no expiration on the links by date or number of views

An article that is set for "Access: Super Admins or Registered" can NOT be viewed by Anon with the shareable link - thus defeating the purpose of the feature.

There is no restriction at all on the links

I also dont like that "eM?YCBBNu?ECRc0bhO" is a valid token

If you are happy with all the above... as a site owner, then great... but it doesnt sound like something thats secure or should be enabled as a feature by default.

avatar chrisdavenport
chrisdavenport - comment - 6 Nov 2016

The idea of a shareable link is to get around the issue of having to register people before they can look at draft content. This is a feature that has been requested many times over the years and has already been implemented in some other CMSs.

I haven't looked at the code so I can't comment on specifics about how it has been implemented, but based on the comments above...

  • The token should be hard to guess. Length and algorithm should be selected to achieve that. 16 characters does seem a bit short.
  • The token must indeed be an exact match. If it's not, the request should be rejected.
  • The content/page should be exactly as it will appear once it is published. The primary purpose is to allow people to review a page before it is published, so other aspects of the page (modules, plugins, template) should be identical.
  • This feature should be disabled by default and only enabled on sites where it is required.
  • Putting a time limit on a token? I guess it makes sense.
  • Putting a limit on number of views? Can't see a use-case for that.
  • When the draft version is published (or the draft deleted), the token should be deleted.

@brianteeman I don't see any reason why we couldn't restrict access to a specific viewing access group as long as "Guest" is not a disallowed setting.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 6 Nov 2016

Right now you can only share public content which makes it unusable for any
site that uses the acl.

I also note that previously I commented that this doesn't support

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 8 Nov 2016

So I updated this PR with 2 small changes. First I increased the length to 32 characters, if this needs to be longer, just let me know. Second I implemented strict checking on the token as pointed out by @PhilETaylor earlier.

@brianteeman I have been thinking about how this should work in a multi-lingual site. As it is now, each article would have it's own token. I guess the idea is that an article would be able to change based on the language switcher?

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 8 Nov 2016

Iirc and I am not at my PC the problem was the language of the site that
was used on the shared item was not necessarily the language of the article

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 9 Nov 2016

Just applied the patch
Made sure the redirect plugin was enabled
Selected two article in the article list and clicked "share draft"

Created a new article and saved it and the "share draft" button appears
Click on the button


This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/12009.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 9 Nov 2016

@brianteeman I see what I missed in the instructions, that is that the database table needs to be created. I think that Fix on the Database page should do that.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 9 Nov 2016

OK the sql resolved that ;) Please add that to the test instructions in the original post

Next problem is that the url that is being generated is without any token



avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 9 Nov 2016
The description was changed
avatar roland-d roland-d - edited - 9 Nov 2016
avatar csthomas
csthomas - comment - 9 Nov 2016

I only want to share another way how it could be implemented.

  1. Create a new user client with ACL access to my shared article(s).
  2. Create somewhere link to auto login client with expiration date.
    Ex http://example.com/autologin=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx will contain crypted(username + hash of password + expired date + maybe crc)

  3. Then append redirection parameter:

  4. If you click on that link then you will be auto logged as client and redirected to sharable content.
  5. Now you are logged as a client and you have full access to client account.
avatar Bakual
Bakual - comment - 9 Nov 2016

I'm quite sure you could actually do that with a system plugin.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 20 Nov 2016
  1. The shared draft link is still valid even after the article is trashed
  2. Still breaks the layout of the toolbar on a reasonably large screen (anything less that 1392px)
  3. Doesnt work at all for a multilingual site. The shared draft gives a 404 for any content that is not either lang=all or lang-en-gb
  4. Create a shared link for an article that already has a link and the message says it has been created but if course it hasnt as it already exists

Finally I do not believe that this PR even achieves the aim of sharing the content. If I wanted/needed this feature then I would want to see the content in exactly the way it is displayed on the site. That means that it must be displayed with the correct modules and template and article options. This can only be done by using the ItemID and this PR does not use any itemid at all. (might explain point 3 above)

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/12009.

avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 25 Nov 2016
Category SQL Administration Components Postgresql MS SQL Language & Strings Modules Front End Installation JavaScript SQL Administration com_admin Postgresql MS SQL com_content Language & Strings Modules Front End Installation JavaScript Components
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 25 Nov 2016

Next problem is that the url that is being generated is without any token

When the SEF URLs are enabled, a nice URL is generated and the redirect manager is being used. Only if SEF and Redirect manager are enabled this will be used, otherwise you get a regular URL.

The shared draft link is still valid even after the article is trashed

That has been fixed.

Still breaks the layout of the toolbar on a reasonably large screen (anything less that 1392px)

Can you post a screenshot of that? I mean, the buttons are just part of the normal Joomla toolbar.

Doesnt work at all for a multilingual site. The shared draft gives a 404 for any content that is not either lang=all or lang-en-gb

That should be fixed as well now.

Create a shared link for an article that already has a link and the message says it has been created but if course it hasnt as it already exists

Any suggestion what the text should be?

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 25 Nov 2016

Create a shared link for an article that already has a link and the message says it has been created but if course it hasnt as it already exists

Any suggestion what the text should be?

A draft link for this item already exists


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 25 Nov 2016

Still breaks the layout of the toolbar on a reasonably large screen (anything less that 1392px)

Can you post a screenshot of that? I mean, the buttons are just part of the normal Joomla toolbar.

Hope this helps. Screen size is displayed in the top right


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 25 Nov 2016

Missing string from the ini


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 25 Nov 2016

Multilingual still gives a 404 See video


avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 25 Nov 2016

The shared draft link is still valid even after the article is trashed

That has been fixed.

Confirmed this is working

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 25 Nov 2016

I see that you still dont address what for me is the most critical flaw in this entire component -the lack if itemid so you dont see the correct modules

Finally I do not believe that this PR even achieves the aim of sharing the content. If I wanted/needed this feature then I would want to see the content in exactly the way it is displayed on the site. That means that it must be displayed with the correct modules and template and article options. This can only be done by using the ItemID and this PR does not use any itemid at all. (might explain point 3 above)

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 2 Dec 2016

The Itemid has been fixed. The code will first look for a menu item linked to the article, if not found, it will check the category the item is linked to. If there is item id found, it will continue searching the parent categories until one is found or until the top of the tree has been reached. Not sure if this is the correct approach or if something is missing, if so I would like to hear it so it can be fixed.

The missing language string has been fixed.

As for the layout issue of the toolbar, this is not related to this PR, you will get the same issue without the extra button. The issue is being discussed in #12789

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 3 Dec 2016

Thank you for looking at those issues. I will test tomorrow

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 5 Dec 2016

Sorry - still doesnt work in multilingual - see video

screen shot 2016-12-05 at 06 37 34

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/12009.

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 15 Jan 2017
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2017-01-15 08:03:35
Closed_By roland-d
avatar roland-d roland-d - close - 15 Jan 2017
avatar roland-d roland-d - close - 15 Jan 2017
avatar JoshuaLewis
JoshuaLewis - comment - 15 Jan 2017


avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 15 Jan 2017

@roland-d Can you give a reason why this PR was closed?

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 15 Jan 2017

I closed it due to lack of interest.

avatar JoshuaLewis
JoshuaLewis - comment - 15 Jan 2017

I was holding back from testing this PR until Brian's suggestion about the multilingual issue was resolved. Otherwise I would gladly test this PR.

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 16 Jan 2017
Status Closed New
Closed_Date 2017-01-15 08:03:35
Closed_By roland-d
avatar roland-d roland-d - reopen - 16 Jan 2017
avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 16 Jan 2017
Status New Pending
avatar roland-d roland-d - reopen - 16 Jan 2017
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 16 Jan 2017

I will give it another try.

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 16 Jan 2017

As the comments show - there is not a lack of "interest"

The problem is the implementation of the feature has not been completed, has issues, @brianteeman has been banned from contributing for a period of time so cannot follow up on the comments, and no one else has taken time to provide the additional development work or feedback.

This branch now conflicts and so also needs cleaning up

Also has the PLT actually made a decision that this can be eventually merged? If they dont think its a "good feature for Joomla" then it will never be merged anyway - you might want to seek that "approval" before wasting much more time on it.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 16 Jan 2017

@PhilETaylor There is approval from the PLT to get this merged.

A few people is not really a lot of interest is there. Brian was the only one really testing and providing feedback. The comments are for from showing interest but rather saying this can be done better or otherwise.

Cleaning up the conflicts is not going to be an issue.

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 16 Jan 2017

Well as with all things Joomla, the PLT have the final say - rightly or wrongly - about the method of implementation.

Brian cannot comment at the moment, but Im sure if he could, he would.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 16 Jan 2017

I will update this PR and follow up on Brians last comment. We will see who is going to test then. We are going to need at least 2 testers anyway and preferably a few more with something like this.

avatar JoshuaLewis
JoshuaLewis - comment - 17 Jan 2017

I will definitely be a tester once this PR gets updated. I have a decent amount of confidence in getting another tester from this circle of Joomlaers. Likely 3 testers.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 29 Jan 2017

@JoshuaLewis would test too.

avatar roland-d roland-d - assigned - 29 Jan 17
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 29 Jan 2017

@JoshuaLewis @franz-wohlkoenig I have cleaned up some code, fixed the multi-language issue and some other minor tweaks.

The biggest change is a change in the DB structure. Please make sure your DB structure is up-to-date as laid out here: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/12009/files#diff-c69a128c6c4206461444b099861fa310

Perhaps the Fix Database may work, I am not sure.

Let me know if you have any questions.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 29 Jan 2017

After click on share Link redirected on Home-Menu with enabled Redirects plugin and SEF-Settings:
screen shot 2017-01-29 at 1 08 35 pm

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 29 Jan 2017

Hello @franz-wohlkoenig I am not sure I fully understand what you say is wrong but I understand that when you click the Share button on the article edit page you are redirected to the control panel?

I did find an issue with the front-end not showing the article but that has been resolved with the last commit.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 29 Jan 2017

If Redirect-Plugin is disabled, all work well, no SEF-Url.
If Redirect-Plugin is enabled, the SEF-Url don't work as expected, cause i'm redirected to Home-Mainmenu.

index.php/category-list-category-list/test1: Edit Article "test1", shared Link is __/index.php/test1 > redirect on Default-Page.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 29 Jan 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig I have tested with the Redirect plugin as well and I get a normal SEF URL. You get a URL with two underscores: __/index.php/test1 ? That I have never seen.

Can you find this URL in the list of redirect URLs? How is it stored there? The URL that is generated by the shared draft should be redirected to the non-SEF URL stored in the Redirect list.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 29 Jan 2017

Underscore is for Url of server, sorry for confusion.

This i got if generate sharable draft of article "Article by author":



But Redirect should open Article in Menu "category-list-category-list":


avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 29 Jan 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig The screenshots explain it. The share draft won't generate the link that you will get from the menu item. The index.php/article-by-author is the expected URL, as the New URL has the correct Itemid, it should show the same layout as when you open the menu link.

Is your issue that the share draft URL is not the same as the menu URL? Is the New URL not opened when you access the share draft URL?

When you open the SEF URL, you are redirected to the homepage correct? If you open the New URL, do you get the correct page in that case?

You have the latest updates from this PR on your test system?

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 30 Jan 2017

Is your issue that the share draft URL is not the same as the menu URL? Is the New URL not opened when you access the share draft URL?

Exact, new Url is not openend.

When you open the SEF URL, you are redirected to the homepage correct? If you open the New URL, do you get the correct page in that case?

Corect, User is redirected to Default-Homepage (Start). Got correct Page if Plugin "Redirect" is disabled.

You have the latest updates from this PR on your test system?

I load every Morning default-staging down and install them. Maybe if in the Meantime ar changes i don't get them.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 30 Jan 2017

No Difference if open Article in "Blog view" or "Menu: Single Article" – Plugin generates Url index.php/name-of-article (test on latest staging).

avatar dgt41
dgt41 - comment - 30 Jan 2017

Tested the latest version in mono-lingual web site

Created a category and a menu item to display that category

Created an article and saved in the category above

Created a shared draft link


As you can see there is NO itemid in the link

The article displays on the home page it should be displayed in the menu item created for that category

See this video https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ov048kbpfk0xev/roland.mp4?dl=0

PS: as seen on Brian's twitter!

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 30 Jan 2017

Hint: Modern routing is enabled on Article, Contact, News and Users.

avatar brianpeat
brianpeat - comment - 4 Feb 2017

I'd love to see this eventually connected to the Version system in the future, allowing you to create a draft version and edit any number of saved drafts and generate these preview links for any draft.

avatar JoshuaLewis
JoshuaLewis - comment - 11 Feb 2017

I have tested this item successfully on 6811603

Pardon the late testing. Successfully works, thanks Roland for the fixes. :-D

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/12009.

avatar JoshuaLewis JoshuaLewis - test_item - 11 Feb 2017 - Tested successfully
avatar JoshuaLewis
JoshuaLewis - comment - 11 Feb 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig I tested with the modern router with success. Am I missing something? As for the menu item inclusion in the URL, indeed it would be ideal if we can get the draft to use the menu item for display/permission reasons.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 12 Feb 2017

@JoshuaLewis tested with legacy router, multilingual Site.

Works without SEF.


  • set Search Engine Friendly URLs on Yes (no Difference if Use URL Rewriting is enabled or not)
  • using Articles with Language All or en-GB

got in Front- and Backend: 404 Category not found

Test on

Joomla! 3.7.0-beta3
macOS Sierra, 10.12.3
Firefox 51.0.1

MAMP 4.1.1

  • PHP 7.0.15
  • MySQLi 5.6.35
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 12 Feb 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig I was able to reproduce your issue after enabling the Redirects plugin. I assume you have this turned on as well. Is that correct?

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 12 Feb 2017

Correct, Redirect-Plugin was always on.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 12 Feb 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig I have narrowed down the issue to the System - Language Filter with the option Remove URL Language Code turned on. Once I turn this off, the failing URL now does load correctly. So I need to check for this setting when generating the URL.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 12 Feb 2017

you give me a go for testing.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 12 Feb 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig I believe it is fixed now with the last commit. Can you give it a try? Thank you,
@brianpeat That is one of the things we can think about further developing this feature but for now that is out-of-scope.

As a general remark regarding Itemid. It is quite tricky to find the correct Itemid as the URL can change based on layout or tag setting. Perhaps even more settings. So there will be cases when the Itemid is not found.

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 12 Feb 2017

@roland-d fetched new data of Patchtester, same in Front- and Backend, Article with Lang "All" or "en-GB": 404 Category not found

If Plugin "Redirect" is disabled, it works without SEF-Url.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 12 Feb 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig A few questions:

  • Which language is default in your site?
  • Is the Remove Language Code set to Yes?
  • Which language is the article?
  • Which URL do you get?
  • Do you see the URL in the Redirect manager?
  • Which URL shows up in the Redirect manager?
  • What should the front URL be?
avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 12 Feb 2017

Which language is default in your site?


Is the Remove Language Code set to Yes?

Plugin Language Filter: Remove URL Language Code: No (same Result if set to Yes).

Which language is the article?

  • Frontend-Article: en-GB, (alias: test-single-article-link-creation-in-front-end)
  • Backend-Article: All (alias: test-single-article-link-creation-in-back-end)

Which URL do you get?

  • url:
  • Share url:

Do you see the URL in the Redirect manager?

No. Redirect Plugin and option Collect URLs is enabled.

Which URL shows up in the Redirect manager?

bildschirmfoto 2017-02-12 um 19 55 16

What should the front URL be?

  • url:
  • Share url:
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 13 Feb 2017

@franz-wohlkoenig What I am trying to achieve is the same setup as yours.

So I created an article in the backend and now have a URL generated like this:

Do you see the URL in the Redirect manager?

No. Redirect Plugin and option Collect URLs is enabled.

That is not true because in the screenshot I see the URL is there, the first entry.

What should the front URL be?

Share url:

What I actually meant with the front URL is the non-SEF URL, not the URL created by editing an article in the front-end.

Let's get back to the back-end URL.

You also have the URL index.php/en/test-single-article-link-creation-in-back-end to show the article in the front-end. This will redirect you to index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=76&token=yourtoken&lang=en

So that all looks good to me. Only question I have actually for now is, does the http://localhost:8080/J3/index.php/en/test-single-article-link-creation-in-back-end open the article?

avatar franz-wohlkoenig
franz-wohlkoenig - comment - 14 Feb 2017

That is not true because in the screenshot I see the URL is there, the first entry.

My fault. Forget to delete info.

So that all looks good to me. Only question I have actually for now is, does the http://localhost:8080/J3/index.php/en/test-single-article-link-creation-in-back-end open the article?

No, got:
bildschirmfoto 2017-02-14 um 20 25 49

avatar PhilETaylor
PhilETaylor - comment - 18 May 2017

so is this dead now? or is it actually still a proposed new feature?

It has conflicts with the base to fix too.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 7 Jul 2017

I am going to close this as I can't find the desire to pursue this any further.

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 7 Jul 2017
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2017-07-07 19:19:21
Closed_By roland-d
avatar roland-d roland-d - close - 7 Jul 2017

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