In the "featured articles" layout, tags from the articles are only shown if the position of the info block is set to "below" or "split", but not for "above". This PR displays them for "above", too.
Testing Instructions
Create some featured articles with tags.
Create a Featured Articles menu item. In the Options tab, make the following settings:
Position of Article Info: Above
Show Tags: Show
In frontend, navigate to the created menu item and look for the tags. None will appear.
Apply the PR.
Look again. The tags should now be displayed above the article.
Set "Position of Article Info" to Below and make sure that the tags now are displayed only below the article
Set "Position of Article Info" to Below and make sure that the tags now are displayed only below the article, too.
I have tested this item
successfully on 0ecd083
able to reproduce then #9786 works as described - thanks
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