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avatar aaleksanyants
10 Sep 2015
  1. INSTL_LANGUAGES_DESC contained "Choose your preferred languages by clicking in the checkboxes and then install them by clicking on the Next button." which has been replaced with "Choose your preferred languages by choosing the checkboxes and then install them by selecting the Next button." Why should I CHOOSE by CHOOSING, and how do i SELECT a button?!
  2. Both INSTL_CONFPROBLEM and INSTL_NOTICEYOUCANSTILLINSTALL contained "Click in the text area to highlight all of the code and then paste into a new text file." which has been replaced with "Select in the text area to highlight all of the code and then paste into a new text file." I like the previous version much more as you should CLICK in the text area to have highlighted (which is equal to selected in this particular case) the whole code, and not to SELECT.
avatar aaleksanyants aaleksanyants - open - 10 Sep 2015
avatar aaleksanyants aaleksanyants - change - 10 Sep 2015
Status New Pending
avatar joomla-cms-bot joomla-cms-bot - change - 10 Sep 2015
Labels Added: ? ?
avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 10 Sep 2015

All "Click" have been changed to "Select" under the pretext that one does not click when using a smartphone or a tablet... which indeed creates a lot of inconsistencies...

avatar aaleksanyants
aaleksanyants - comment - 10 Sep 2015

That's why I have replaced not with just "click" but with "click or tap"

avatar Hils
Hils - comment - 10 Sep 2015

When one clicks or taps in that context, isn't one selecting? Do we have to explain to people how to select?

avatar aaleksanyants
aaleksanyants - comment - 10 Sep 2015

Clicking is not selecting. When selecting, you make a click, than move the mouse while holding the left button pressed to the end of the selection, and then release it. To highlight the whole code in text area you do not select anything within it, you just click and release!

avatar aaleksanyants
aaleksanyants - comment - 10 Sep 2015

BTW, clicking and tapping is equal to give a command for doing something, while selecting is not, it just prepares for action related to the selected items, that's why we do not select a button but click it, otherwise it will remain selected but will not initiate any action.

avatar zero-24 zero-24 - change - 17 Sep 2015
Category Language & Strings
avatar joo7
joo7 - comment - 20 Mar 2016

@aaleksanyants Can it be formulated like this? (pick, check, hit)

INSTL_LANGUAGES_DESC="The Joomla interface is available in several languages. Choose your preferred languages by checking the appropriate checkboxes and then install them by hitting the QQ_Next_QQ button.
Note: this operation will take about 10 seconds to download and install every language. To avoid timeouts please select no more than 3 languages to install at a time."

INSTL_CONFPROBLEM="Your configuration file or folder is not writable or there was a problem creating the configuration file. You will have to upload the following code by hand. Hit the text area to highlight all of the code and then copy and paste it into a new text file. Name this file 'configuration.php' and upload it to your site root folder."

You can still continue the installation as the configuration settings will be displayed at the end. You will have to manually upload the code. Hit the text area to highlight all of the code and then copy and paste it into a new text file. Name this file 'configuration.php' and upload it to your site root folder."

avatar joo7
joo7 - comment - 20 Mar 2016

Github changed the text for the "Next"-button.

I tried to follow this:
Whenever you add a double quote ( " ) in the translation, you actually have to change it to (_QQ_ ) and Joomla will replace that for a ( " ) .

I insert it as code, incase it is not working, it needs to be like this whitout spaces:
_ Q Q _ Next _ Q Q _
Or we just do it like this: 'Next'?

INSTL_LANGUAGES_DESC="The Joomla interface is available in several languages. Choose your preferred languages by checking the appropriate checkboxes and then install them by hitting the _QQ_Next_QQ_ button.
Note: this operation will take about 10 seconds to download and install every language. To avoid timeouts please select no more than 3 languages to install at a time."

avatar infograf768
infograf768 - comment - 20 Mar 2016

you can use the 'Next' button or the "_QQ_"Next"_QQ_" button

avatar joo7
joo7 - comment - 20 Mar 2016

Thank you! Since I'm not native english maybe someone can take a look at the text and decide and correct if needed? Or shall I change it in the en-GB.ini file and than it will be looked at?

avatar Bakual
Bakual - comment - 20 Mar 2016

Usually @brianteeman will catch it and give his notes.

avatar joo7
joo7 - comment - 20 Mar 2016

Ok, great, thank you for info.

avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 31 Jul 2016

@brianteeman Can you give your input please? Thank you.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/7853.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 31 Jul 2016

@roland-d I am not in favour of this change for the reasons explained by hils

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 31 Jul 2016
Status Pending Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2016-07-31 21:34:54
Closed_By roland-d
avatar roland-d
roland-d - comment - 31 Jul 2016

I am closing this issue because there is no support from the native speakers. Thank you for your contribution.

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/7853.

avatar roland-d roland-d - change - 31 Jul 2016

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