This is my first pull request so please bear with me. So I've been using this register function, but I noticed in the code that $model->validate() was called with $data as its only parameter, resulting in a fatal error afterwards.
I grabbed the model form as it is done is other controllers, and added it to the function call.
This fixes it and -I think- respects Joomla's coding guidelines.
P.S. Had to resubmit, I kept spaces in empty lanes before.
Good catch. This is wrong for sure.
For anyone wondering, this method isn't used in core anymore and should be deprecated.
We use the UsersControllerRegistration->register() method instead.
Thankyou for the Pull Request :) It's been merged into our staging branch and will be patched in the next Joomla version. We look forward to seeing any future contributions :)
Good catch. This is wrong for sure.
For anyone wondering, this method isn't used in core anymore and should be deprecated.
We use the
method instead.