To fix SQL errors such as:
Save failed with the following error:
You have error in your SQL syntax; check the manual corresponds to your MySQL version for the right syntax use near 'AND sha1_hash = '...' LIMIT 0, 1' at line 3 SQL=SELECT * FROM dbprefix_ucm_history WHERE ucm_item_id = 1 AND ucm_type_id = AND sha1_hash = '...' LIMIT 0, 1
You are not permitted to use that link to directory access that page (#1).
Yes, sure. We had Joomla version 3.1.5. We have updated it using admin (/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=update) to 3.4.3 and then updated Database using (/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=database). Then we have tried to edit any article in Content ---> Article Manager we got such SQL errors.
As it has been almost a year since this was created and we are now on Joomla 3.5.1 with no other reports I can only assume that this was an isolated bug related to your own installation. So I am closing this at this time. It can always be reopened if further information can be provided how to replicate this with a clean install of Joomla 3.5.1
@podlom can you give us testinstructions how we can reproduce the issue? So we can test that this patch fix it?
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