I struggled a lot with upgrading a Joomla 2.5.28 installation from 2.5.28 to 3.4.1
I have added the error I got, when I updated through the Joomla updater, in a txt file.
After updating and receiving the error, you can still navigate back to the Joomla control panel, but when you try to access different areas such as article, extensions etc. you receive errors such as
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in home\site-name\administrator\components\com_content\controllers\article.php on line 34
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in home\sitename\administrator\components\com_installer\controller.php on line 37
I am not really sure what causes this error. But I'm more than willing to share my Akeeba Backup file, if anyone wants my test data. It's the first time I've had this much trouble updating a Joomla site, but one of my own colleagues had the same issue and gave me the following advice, which I have pasted below:
What I did to actually get the site up and running was the following
Step 1 : Disabled the "Remember me" plugin before migrating
Step2 : Download the update package from here: http://www.joomla.org/announcements/release-news/5468-joomla-3-0-1-released.html The one that say (for updates from Joomla 2.5)
Step3: Install the package through the Joomla installer
After that I could continue updating Joomla through the Joomla updater
EDIT.. the tracker did not allow me to upload the txt file. Here is the full text:
1062 - An error has occurred.
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=-- -- Dumping data for table j25_content_types
-- INSERT INTO j25_content_types
, type_title
, type_alias
, table
, rules
) VALUES (1, 'Article', 'com_content.article', '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__content","key":"id","type":"Content","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"},"common":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
"core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"publish_up","core_publish_down":"publish_down","core_access":"access", "core_params":"attribs", "core_featured":"featured",
"core_metadata":"metadata", "core_language":"language", "core_images":"images", "core_urls":"urls", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"ordering", "core_metakey":"metakey",
"core_metadesc":"metadesc", "core_catid":"catid", "core_xreference":"xreference", "asset_id":"asset_id"}], "special": [{"fulltext":"fulltext"}]}','ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute'),
(2, 'Contact', 'com_contact.contact', '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__contact_details","key":"id","type":"Contact","prefix":"ContactTable","config":"array()"},"common":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
"core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"publish_up","core_publish_down":"publish_down","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"featured",
"core_metadata":"metadata", "core_language":"language", "core_images":"image", "core_urls":"webpage", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"ordering", "core_metakey":"metakey",
"core_metadesc":"metadesc", "core_catid":"catid", "core_xreference":"xreference", "asset_id":"null"}], "special":
lt_con":"default_con","user_id":"user_id","mobile":"mobile","sortname1":"sortname1","sortname2":"sortname2","sortname3":"sortname3"}]}','ContactHelperRoute::getContactRoute'), (3,
'Newsfeed', 'com_newsfeeds.newsfeed', '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__newsfeeds","key":"id","type":"Newsfeed","prefix":"NewsfeedsTable","config":"array()"},"common":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
"core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"publish_up","core_publish_down":"publish_down","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"featured",
"core_metadata":"metadata", "core_language":"language", "core_images":"images", "core_urls":"link", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"ordering", "core_metakey":"metakey",
"core_metadesc":"metadesc", "core_catid":"catid", "core_xreference":"xreference", "asset_id":"null"}], "special":
[{"numarticles":"numarticles","cache_time":"cache_time","rtl":"rtl"}]}','NewsfeedsHelperRoute::getNewsfeedRoute'), (4, 'User', 'com_users.user', '{"special":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
"core_hits":"null","core_publish_up":"null","core_publish_down":"null","access":"null", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"null", "core_metadata":"null", "core_language":"null",
"core_images":"null", "core_urls":"null", "core_version":"null", "core_ordering":"null", "core_metakey":"null", "core_metadesc":"null", "core_catid":"null", "core_xreference":"null",
"asset_id":"null"}], "special": [{}]}','UsersHelperRoute::getUserRoute'), (5, 'Article Category', 'com_content.category', '{"special":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
ription", "core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"null","core_publish_down":"null","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"null", "core_metadata":"metadata",
"core_language":"language", "core_images":"null", "core_urls":"null", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"null", "core_metakey":"metakey", "core_metadesc":"metadesc",
"core_catid":"parent_id", "core_xreference":"null", "asset_id":"asset_id"}], "special":
[{"parent_id":"parent_id","lft":"lft","rgt":"rgt","level":"level","path":"path","extension":"extension","note":"note"}]}','ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute'), (6, 'Contact Category',
'com_contact.category', '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__categories","key":"id","type":"Category","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"},"common":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
ription", "core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"null","core_publish_down":"null","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"null", "core_metadata":"metadata",
"core_language":"language", "core_images":"null", "core_urls":"null", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"null", "core_metakey":"metakey", "core_metadesc":"metadesc",
"core_catid":"parent_id", "core_xreference":"null", "asset_id":"asset_id"}], "special":
[{"parent_id":"parent_id","lft":"lft","rgt":"rgt","level":"level","path":"path","extension":"extension","note":"note"}]}','ContactHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute'), (7, 'Newsfeeds
Category', 'com_newsfeeds.category', '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__categories","key":"id","type":"Category","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"},"common":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
ription", "core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"null","core_publish_down":"null","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"null", "core_metadata":"metadata",
"core_language":"language", "core_images":"null", "core_urls":"null", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"null", "core_metakey":"metakey", "core_metadesc":"metadesc",
"core_catid":"parent_id", "core_xreference":"null", "asset_id":"asset_id"}], "special":
[{"parent_id":"parent_id","lft":"lft","rgt":"rgt","level":"level","path":"path","extension":"extension","note":"note"}]}','NewsfeedsHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute'), (8, 'Tag',
'com_tags.tag', '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__tags","key":"tag_id","type":"Tag","prefix":"TagsTable","config":"array()"},"common":
{"dbtable":"#__core_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}', '', '{"common":
ription", "core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"null","core_publish_down":"null","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"featured", "core_metadata":"metadata",
"core_language":"language", "core_images":"images", "core_urls":"urls", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"null", "core_metakey":"metakey", "core_metadesc":"metadesc",
"core_catid":"null", "core_xreference":"null", "asset_id":"null"}], "special":
Build | 2.5.28 | ⇒ | staging |
Labels |
I just took a brief glance at the guide, and I believe I did all those steps, yes. I have upgraded quite a few sites and never had this happen to me. Maybe I was just lucky But I will try and restore the 2.5 version of site and run through that guide and report back what happens..
Also, was that site originally a 1.5 migrated to 2.5.
Yes, I believe it was.
Here is a video showing how I tried to upgrade it: http://screencast.com/t/GYbnZBx7B
During the video I'm upgrading two components I know are outdated SH404SEF and redFORM to make sure they are not the cause of the harm :)
Did you already seen that: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20738790/migrate-from-joomla-2-5-17-to-joomla-3-2-1-failed#answer-27715423
Seem your update has failed and stuck.
I just want to point out the fatal error occured is on JInput, who was not instanciate in old JApplication.
I believe you still have incompatible extensions installed on the site. In your video I saw you go through packages and components and languages but not all the rest of the extensions.
Every single extension needs to be checked and either updated or uninstalled before updating from 2.5 to 3. I am unsure of the migration path for redform or sh404sef but you have to check with them to make sure that their package includes version for both before you update. Same with all the rest of your extensions including the template.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I restored the site, removed all third-party extensions and then tried to upgrade. Same issue.
@superfoght Can you show us the entrys in j25_content_types
bevor the update?
select * from j25_content_types;
If you have entrys please try:
Status | New | ⇒ | Information Required |
After over one month without further reply to the request for further information this issue is being closed. It can always be re-opened
Status | Information Required | ⇒ | Closed |
Closed_Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | ⇒ | 2015-07-19 17:56:49 |
Closed_By | ⇒ | brianteeman |
i got the same problem, and it's caused by incomplete DB update. now the question is how can i update the database to joomla 3.5.1 schema when com_installer is not available...
this is how i attempted the migration:
during the upgrade, i got the error which had caused all of the headache:
Duplicate entry '801' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO #__extensions
, name
, type
, element
, folder
, client_id
, enabled
, access
, protected
, manifest_cache
, params
, custom_data
, system_data
, checked_out
, checked_out_time
, ordering
, state
) VALUES (801, 'weblinks', 'package', 'pkg_weblinks', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0);
i guess this was caused by not using locking on the table while the table is on innodb and too many writes at once can lead to index collisions, since it's not clear if the writes are in synchronious or asynchronious mode. (i had the same problem with JTableNested that was doing writes in a loop with thousands of entries - it always ran into an index collision)
now the question is - how to update the database schema when i cannot access any component in joomla except com_menus:
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on null in /administrator/components/com_installer/controller.php on line 37
same for others:
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on null in /municak.sk/demo/administrator/components/com_users/controller.php on line 60
thanks for any advice,
best regards, stan
ok, so this is how i fixed this:
then the DB fix still could not run and i had to manually add a column which was required by the DB structure and it was dropped later on:
ALTER TABLE udx46_content
ADD COLUMN title_alias
in mean time i created a file that updates all tables per SQL files in \administrator\components\com_admin\sql\updates\mysql\
Now i was able to visit the DB fix and run it without problems. Now the installation seems to be okay.
best regards, stan
Did you follow these instructions?
This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/7120.