avatar ingeva
6 Mar 2015

Steps to reproduce the issue

Check this screenshot

Expected result

Can't reproduce

Actual result

as show in screenshot

System information (as much as possible)

Joomla! 3.4.

Additional comments

The third menu always has one active menu. Menus 1 and 2 are shown correctly. The background for class="active" and class="current" should be evident when viewing the screenshot or accessing the page. The html code shows class="active" for the darker light-blue menu items. This is probably a bug in the Joomla! code, and I hoped it would be fixed in 3.4, but it's still there.
I use three menus because I want a header to be shown for number 2 and 3. I don't know what will happen with more than 3 menus.

Category set to Code style. Couldn't find anything for "menu".

avatar ingeva ingeva - open - 6 Mar 2015
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 7 Mar 2015
Labels Added: ?
avatar bertmert
bertmert - comment - 8 Mar 2015

Cannot reproduce.
Did you already:

  • deactivate cache (Joomla and in module itself).
  • delete Joomla cache
  • backend > Menus > Menu Manager: click rebuild button
avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 8 Mar 2015

I've done that now, and there's no change. The same error occurs with the site on the remote server, and on my own, local one. The error is in the HTML code, as can be seen by viewing the source.

avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 11 Mar 2015

Looking at the site right now, the described error is not visible. Can this be closed?

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 11 Mar 2015

What about the html code generated? It shows "acive" for an element that is NOT active!

Tekniske tipsEldre artikler
avatar bertmert
bertmert - comment - 11 Mar 2015

"described error is not visible"
It is (menu item "Eldre artikler" has class active on all pages). But I couldn't reproduce it anyhow.
Is there an override in your template located at /templates/beez3/html/mod_menu/? Deactivate!
Try with template protostar and also with unchanged original beez3.
Create new menu module with standard settings. Deactivate old one

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

The menu module has not been touched. Only one CSS file has been added: image.css.
HTML with protostar is unchanged:

So: Still active, although the CSS of "active" doesn't show it.

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

I forgot the unchanged beez3. Of course, it's the same:

Again, nothing has changed. The only difference is that in my CSS, "active" has another background color. The HTML is unchanged. This bug is not in the CSS. The CSS only reveals it.

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

Instead of being satisfied with the upgrade to 3.4.0, I made a complete replacement of all the files from the previous package, after deleting every file and directory except the one containing out own addition. I also removed our additional image.css file.

There was not change.
I believe the error lies in the file /modules/mod_menu/helper.php, but my php skill is far from what is required to investigate further.
Of course, there's a way to camouflage the error: I could ignore the "active" class, but I don't want to do that. It's useful.

avatar Harmageddon Harmageddon - change - 12 Mar 2015
Build 13.1.0 3.4.0
avatar Harmageddon Harmageddon - change - 12 Mar 2015
Category Code style Modules
avatar Harmageddon
Harmageddon - comment - 12 Mar 2015

What type of menu item is "Eldre artikel"?

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at issues.joomla.org/joomla-cms/6341.
avatar losedk
losedk - comment - 12 Mar 2015

Is the error still present?

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

Harmageddon: Type of menu is category blog for "tekniske tips", and category list for "Eldre artikler".
For testing I changed to single article for both of them, but no change.

losedk: There is still no change. Next step will be to add a third menu to another Joomla! site, so I can see if the same code can give a different result. If so, we have a mystery on our hands. :)
However, that will have to wait until I have completed other more important tasks.

avatar losedk
losedk - comment - 12 Mar 2015

Then I don't totally understand the problem. The li has an active call as it should. Could you point to the issue in the HTML output, which you mention?

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

It should have an active class when it it is active, and if it is not active, it should not. But it does. I have even removed the active class from the cached mod_menu file - to no avail.

avatar losedk
losedk - comment - 12 Mar 2015

Is it LMK-Nytt?

skaermbillede 2015-03-12 kl 11 04 52

avatar losedk
losedk - comment - 12 Mar 2015

Ahh I see the problem now

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 12 Mar 2015

I am glad you do because I dont.

The first item is the parent
the sub item is the child
When the child is active then so is the parent
That is the correct behaviour
If you look you will see that the first item has classes of active AND
the sub item just has classes of active

For me this is the expected and correct behaviour. This is how menu
highlighting works


If athletics is the current url then the correct classes that are applied
to the menu are
Sport (parent active)
--athletics (active)

avatar Hackwar
Hackwar - comment - 12 Mar 2015

The issue is, that no matter on which page you are, "Eldre artikler" has a class of "active", even on the homepage.

I still can't replicate that behavior. Did you click on "rebuild" in the menu manager? Maybe that fixes the issue.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 12 Mar 2015

OK so I misunderstood the query - thanks for clarifying Hannes

I am 99% certain that this is a simple config issue but without admin
access I cant tell for certain

On 12 March 2015 at 10:41, Hannes Papenberg notifications@github.com

The issue is, that no matter on which page you are, "Eldre artikler" has a
class of "active", even on the homepage.

I still can't replicate that behavior. Did you click on "rebuild" in the
menu manager? Maybe that fixes the issue.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#6341 (comment).

Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

I have done everything you suggested so far. The "Eldre artikler" menu always seems to be active even if it is not - and neither is the parent. I can select any of the other menus. This menu is marked as active nonetheless.
Please re-read the subject of the topic.

avatar brianteeman
brianteeman - comment - 12 Mar 2015

As no one can replicate this issue and we are not mind readers it is
impossible to debug this any further without access to the site. If we
could replicate the issue it would be easy to debug but we cant so
providing access is the only option

On 12 March 2015 at 12:03, ingeva notifications@github.com wrote:

I have done everything you suggested so far. The "Eldre artikler" menu
always seems to be active even if it is not - and neither is the parent. I
can select any of the other menus. This menu is marked as active
Please re-read the subject of the topic.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#6341 (comment).

Brian Teeman
Co-founder Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc.

avatar ingeva
ingeva - comment - 12 Mar 2015

I understand, but I'm reluctant go provide access to an active site, which is mainly in Norwegian so it might not be so easy to understand for non-Norwegians.
However, I just found a way to overcome to problem. I created a new menu item, identical (or so I thought) to the "always active" one. It did not have the problem. I then deleted the "Eldre artikler" item and renamed the new one. Problem gone!
(Eldre artikler = Older articles) - Norwegian is easy for those who know it! :)
This was a tricky one. I may have unwillingly set some parameter that caused the problem. I just wish I knew which one, but when the problem is gone I don't wish to spend more time on it. Thanks for all your help - after all, this was nothing but a cosmetic issue. None of the users have even commented it, but without your input I would probably still be without a clue.

I think this can be closed now. I'm happy. :)

avatar brianteeman brianteeman - close - 12 Mar 2015
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - change - 12 Mar 2015
Status New Closed
Closed_Date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2015-03-12 12:38:21
avatar brianteeman brianteeman - close - 12 Mar 2015

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