This was intially checking a null date until @Bakual 's changes. However now there is no reason for it. This can cause bugs when you don't have a fully integer date (e.g. display a month in full which is perfectly compatible with strtotime()
To test check the calendar still works as expected
If you want to go the extra mile you can add a format like %B %Y into the calendar. This will save correctly but not render. Apply patch and it should be fixed.
There was 1 error:
1) JFormFieldCalendarTest::testGetInput
Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (value) at position 0 (v): The timezone could not be found in the database
Tests: 5700, Assertions: 10446, Errors: 1, Incomplete: 9, Skipped: 127.
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travis is not happy with that change see: